Should i?

18 2 10

Ok so I had a stellar idea!! Yes I just did say stellar! It's a romance thingy I only nave bits  and pieces mostly inspired by every quality of ME! And if you read and ponder me.. you can probably guess who the other person is..

Piece #??

I softly tugged on my sleeve and stepped through the door. I took a quick look around. The house looked old. Like this is where he grew up. I slightly loosened at the homey feeling that lingered. He turned around and open his arms in a "welcome to my home" kind of gesture as the light from outside gleamed off of his glasses. His curls softly bobbing with every step he took.

He sat on a old looking chair with a couch across from and a small table in between. "Have a seat." He said softly his accent echoing down the halls. I tugged on my sleeve once more my hand almost disappearing in my sleeve. He stretched out his arm in the couches direction. I slowly walked toward it and sat down. I hugged my self due to the cold draft in his home. He poured a cup of tea the smoke flaring up from the cup her pushed toward me. "Do like tea?" He asked reaching out his hand to take it back. "No no." I said a smile growing on his face. Why? "It's fine." I finished. I reached for the cup my hands shaking like I was freezing to death- which I was.

I took the cup even though it was hot my hands were still freezing. Was it because he's here?.. I don't know but his eyes were beaming while hiding behind those pieces of plastic and glass. My hands shook as I put the small tea cup down and were shivering as I retrieved them. He got up and my shoulders stiffened once more. What was he planning on doing? He crossed over to me and sat so close to me I could feel the heat coming from just his smile.

"I know a small trick to help with that." He said in a soft voice taking my hands into his. "O-ok"I said hesitantly letting him take them. His hands were som warm and soft. He put my hands down and rubbed his hands together. He held my hands between his but they weren't touching.. the was..... radiating in a sense..

Chills ran up my spin when I caught him.. staring at me.. me! I exploded with excitement on the inside. He flashed another dashing smile and left my hands with warmth that last for about thirty seconds. Sooner or later my hand returned to their freezing state. "What college are you going to when you finish high school?" I asked sipping my tea.

And that's all I got... ugh I'm a bad writer... hope you like it!

Tell me if I should make it into a book

Spread peace and keep looking up wishers 🌟⭐️💫

Randomness and junk 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora