Veterans day

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Happy Veterans Day y'all!

If you're American.... I think it's only for Americans...


I do care though!

Bro I mean cmon you live in frikin America try and appreciate that you're here don't take all of the great things in this country for granted think of all the people that gave up their lives so we can have the freedoms for today they won that war for us for our future not just to be known not just to be in the grave but to be seen have had a place to inspire us to fight to keep their memory going to keep this country and its freedom is alive let's not have them give up their lives for nothing and celebrate what they did for us and think about all the people that gave up so much. They may have been a few but they gave up everything for us for America.

So today don't let it go by without thinking about all the people that gave up their lives for us that put their lives on the line and are still alive today the people that raise their entire future for us don't depreciate them appreciate them tell them thank you whenever you see them even if it's just in the streets.

They practically put their neck out for us on the chopping block and yet we never have the courage  to tell them thank you when they wear a Vietnam veteran cap or a world war one survivor shirt or World War II living legend anything we don't tell them anything. Let's let that change today let's let them know that we are grateful for giving up everything so we can give only so little back.

Give something back give a thought give a thank you give them a simple glance and not a snicker give a genuine look in the eye and say thank you

Today is Veterans Day? What are you gonna do about it?

Randomness and junk 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें