It Wasn't That Hard, Now Was It, Cake-Eater?

Start from the beginning

McGill had kissed me a couple days ago, and that was before I told him I had a boyfriend. I felt rally back, because II cared about him and sitll do. But am just furiated about his actions. Charlie saw, and I was trying to get him ofof me, bt he wasn't an easy target to do so. He was like Adam and Charlie now, he grew up, has muscles, the height, and a little more broad shoulder.

In the end, Charlie had beat up McGill pretty good. It wasn't pretty and even I tried gettiing Charlie to stop or else McGill  wouldn't last. His mother stopped by my house, asking my mother if we knew what had happened because he wouldn't tell anyone. All in all, I felt bad for him and at the same time I was mad that he pulld a stunt like that. Adam was there,  he was gone grabbing something at first, but when he had returned, Charlie was already beating  McGill. He lasted long and then we were able to pull Charlie off.

"Hi Matt," McGill started. "Can we talk alone?"

Adam looks at him, and I bring my arm off his shoulder and nod. "I swear to god if you touch her-"

"Adam, it's fine," I told him. Adam walks off and I stepped outside with McGill. We take our seats on the steps and he went ahead and spoke up once again.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what got to me,"

"I'd say it's all right, but Charlie had beat you pretty good and I'm sorry about that, I really am. But now you're afraid to walk around knowing that you've gotten your butt whipped by someone else. I just, I wished you would've listened to me when I told you the truth,"

"And I'm sorry Matt, I truly am. I want things to be clear. I don't want us to have a ruined relationship like Adam and Brittney,"

"Don't bring them up," I retorted quickly.

He nods, and continues. "Adam filled me in. Told me how pist you and your boyfriend were,"

"He's a fiesty one," I told him and he simply laughs.

"He should try out for wrestling,"

"Too bad, he's already in hockey," I sighed and continued. "We're friends. Don't pull any stunts, and I mean it.There will be next time, and if there is, you'd be a pretty lucky kid," I told him and stood up.

He nods and stands up, walking backwards down the pathway. "So, this means we're cool?"

"For now, if you don't face my boyfriend again,"

He nods and walks away. I watched him walk off down the road with his Hawks hat and jacket, since he's still has those things. I do too, and so do the others, but we've put those away for now. I'm a Duck, not a Warrior, a Thunderbird, nor a Hawk.

I step inside and Adam's there at the door with his arms crossed. "He didn't pull anything, did he?"

"No... Calm down, Big Guy," I said and tapped hiis shoulder as I walked back to the back door to go sit outside on the porch.

I knew something he didn't. I wanted to tell him a she was sitting here next to me. brittney was coming back for Christmas, but I wanted to keep it a secret. He's kinda gotten over Brittney, ever since she didn't come back for Christmas the past times. He's kinda let her go, but did he really? In my opinion, he didn't. He just hasn't mentioned her lately. And lately she's been super busy with hockey, camps, work, homework, and different things. I've become real busy too, and maybe she found someone else. Like that Felix kid she's been talking about.

But I kept my mouth shut for now and didn't bother with it.


A week and a half later, Brittney and I stood at Connie's front door. She was throwing a Christmas party, but didn't know that Britt was coming. The entire hockey team was going to be here. Brittney got here about two hours ago and I already am taking her out. We showed up in fancier clothing since this was a party. And she had to have a shower,s he couldn't come here looking and smelling like she was. She was explaining to me about her hockey camps and hockey back in LA. 

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