Christmas Special Part 3

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Twilight, Thomas and Friends

Episode XXVI (26) The Christmas Special

Part 3: Twilight's Christmas Party

It was Christmas on the Island of Sodor. Twilight and Pinkie were busy delivering Presents and Parcels all along the brachline. The engines love the holidays. The coaches were the only ones to grumble.

Twilight's Coaches: It's Always the same around Christmas! We feel so full! We feel so full!

Twilight: Oh, Come on! Where's your holiday spirit? Christmas is almost here!

Pinkie helped to deliver presents too.

A sight Twilight always wanted to see was a welcoming wave from her old friend on Equestria.

Twilight: It's Princess Celestia! (Blows Whistle) Happy Christmas! (To Self) Christmas on Sodor wouldn't be Christmas without Princess Celestia!

Later that day, she ran into her friends including Thomas. They were all polished cleanly.

Rainbow Dash: Huh! Just look at us! Your driver will have to polish you up good to be better this year.

Twilight: Never mind that now. I was thinking of doing something for Celestia this year because this the anniversary of her preventing us from getting into a nasty Accident! You remember when she was ill and in bed...

Sweetie Belle: Yes of course, Twilight. You told us she hung a red gown out to warn us about a landslide ahead.

Pinkie: And you and Rarity brought her presents, then Sir Topham Hatt sent her to the seaside to make her feel better!

All other Engines: But the rest of us couldn't thank her properly!

Twilight: Exactly! So I say we give to her a special Christmas party.

They all agreed on this, and they hoped Sir Topham Hatt would too, which he did! So everyone was chatting happily about the party when suddenly... Silence Fell. Sir Topham Hatt had bad news.

Sir Topham Hatt: The weather has changed badly. Celestia has been snowed under. Applejack says she'll help out clear the line. Twilight and Thomas you must help too! There's no party unless you both do!

Thomas never really liked snow, but him and Twilight both knew this was urgent.

Both Engines: Yes Sir!

And so the The Rescue Convoy was on the way. Twilight led, Applejack in the middle and Thomas in the back. Twilight charged snowdrifts fiercely. Sometimes they just got pushed to the side, while the others stuck fast, and Twilight's crew had to loosen them so they could carry on. But at a cutting near Celestia's cottage, they could go no further.

Twilight's Driver: Look at that!

The track and the path to the cottage was completely buried under a huge snowdrift.

Twilight: (blows) Here we are!

An answering wave from Celestia came from an upstairs window. Then Thomas heard a familiar sound.

Thomas: That's my old friend Terrance! He's come to help in the rescue too! Snow never worries him! You'll see!

Terrance cleared the path for Celestia to get in the Coach that Thomas Brought to pick her up. Several minutes later, the rescue mission was complete, and Thomas took all the workmen home. Twilight and Applejack made good time, but by the time they reach the shads everything was dark. Twilight's hearts sank. She thought there wouldn't be a party, but suddenly, Thousands of Christmas lights and decorations lit up like magic. Twilight was impressed.

Sir Topham Hatt: Well Done everyone. You overcame the snow and made this party possible.

Celestia: Sir, Twilight and Applejack are old friends of mine. And Thomas, you are my friend too!

Thomas: Three Cheers for Celestia!

Every Engine blew their whistle and started to sing.

The Cast: (sings) We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year! 

Twilight and every other Engine was happy to have a friend like Celestia with them on the Island of Sodor.


Thank you all for a wonderful First Season! See you soon for the Second!

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