Episode 18

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Twilight, Thomas and Friends

Episode 18: Rainbow Dash and the Wild Nor' Western

Rainbow Dash loves her jobs on the Island of Sodor. She pulls passengers and freight in record time. She is often seen with Gordon, when they are together, they often chat about their work and how fast they do it. One day, Rainbow Dash was making record time as usual.

Rainbow Dash: Out of the way everyone! Rainbow Dash is comin' through!

She made the station 10 minutes early.

Sir Topham Hatt: I feel like I always say this, but... Well done, Rainbow Dash. I might consider you pulling the Wild Nor' Western!

Rainbow Dash: Thank you... Sir... (blushed)


Rainbow Dash: Sir Topham Hatt is considering me to pull the express one day!

Pinkie: Ooh! Fun! But don't tell that to Gordon.

Rainbow Dash: Oh... Okay.

The Next Day...

Rainbow Dash: Okay... Time to get ready for my train.

Rainbow Dash got coupled to her rainbow colored coaches which were her favorites. Once everyone got in, the guard blew the whistle. She set off once more, to once again make record time.

Rainbow Dash reached 100 MPH after the hill. She never stopped until she reached Vicars Town.

Sonic: Whoa, Dashie. You're so fast that you should pull the express.

Rainbow Dash was very surprised. Not only Sir Topham Hatt considered her for the express, it was her friends on Sodor. Later, she was taking on water while resting before her evening run. Suddenly, Sir Topham Hatt came.

Sir Topham: Gordon is going to have a rest for tonight's express. You're taking the express, Dashie. Sonic and Tails will double head your train.

Rainbow Dash: Oh Thank you, Sir!

Sir Topham Hatt: Remember, there are a lot of important people on board the express. Including me. So do your best!

Rainbow Dash: You know I will!

So she coupled up to the big express coaches very smoothly.

Rainbow Dash: Stoke up my fire, good!

Rainbow Dash's Fireman: Right, Girl! When the guard sounds the whistle, you know what to do.

Rainbow Dash: Right. (hears whistle) That's our cue, so let's go!

They left the station. Rainbow Dash was soon speeding down the line.

Rainbow Dash: Hurry, Hurry, Hurry! Woo! I never felt so happy before!

They never stopped until they reached Barrow-in-Furnace.  Rainbow Dash takes the express when Gordon is resting and James and Henry are busy. She is very  happy to have such an honor bestowed on her of puling the express.


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