Fluttershy and The Flying Kipper

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Twilight, Thomas and Friends 

Episode 2: Fluttershy: Special Coal, Kippers, Whistles, and Sneezes

Part 2: Fluttershy and The Flying Kipper 

Previously On Twilight, Thomas and Friends... 

Fluttershy feels sorry for herself because sometimes she can pull trains and sometimes she doesn't have the strength at all. Sir Topham Hatt wants to find the solution one way or another, meaning Fluttershy's scrapping, or taking her driver's advice by purchasing Welsh coal. Sir Topham Hatt besides to give Fluttershy the Welsh coal and a fair chance. Fluttershy feels better with the coal from Wales.

One Winter evening, Fluttershy's driver came to see her.

Fluttershy's Driver: We'll be out early tomorrow. We've got to take The Flying Kipper. Don't tell Gordon, but I think if we pull the Kipper nicely, Sir Topham Hatt will let us pull the express. The special coal they gave you is working well.

Fluttershy: Hooray! That will be lovely.

All kinds of ships use the harbor by the big station close to the Sea. There are passenger ships, cargo ships, and fishing boats also come here. They unload their fish on the Quay. Some of it goes to the shops in the town, and the rest goes in a special train to other places far away. This is the train that the railwaymen call, "The Flying Kipper."

Fluttershy was ready at 5 o'clock. There was snow and Frost. Men hustled and shouted, loading the crates of fish. The last door banged, the guard showed his green lamp, and The Flying Kipper was ready to go. 

Fluttershy: Come on! Come On! Don't be silly, don't be silly.

The freight car shuttered and groaned. 

Freight Cars: Trickety-Troc, Trickety-Troc. Alright, alright!

Fluttershy: That's better. That's Better. 

Clouds of smoke and Steam poured from her funnel into the cold air. And the fires light shone brightly. 

Fluttershy: (panting) Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!

They were going well. The light grew better, and signal lights showing green as they passed. Then, a yellow signal appeared ahead. Fluttershy's driver prepared to stop, but the home signal was down.

Fluttershy's Driver: All Clear, Fluttershy! Away we go!

Little did they know that the switches from the main line to a siding were frozen. And the home signal should have been set at "DANGER", but snow had forced it down.

A freight train was waiting in The siding to let The Flying Kipper pass. And the driver and fireman were drinking Cocoa in the Caboose.

Conductor: The Kipper is due. 

Fireman: Who Cares? This is good cocoa! 

The driver got up.

Driver: Come on, fireman. Back to our engine.

They got out just in time. When Fluttershy saw the caboose, she shut her eyes and braced for impact.


Fluttershy's driver and fireman had jumped clear before the crash, Fluttershy lay dazed and surprised. 

Sir Topham Hatt came to see her.

Fluttershy: The signal was down, sir!

Sir Topham Hatt: Cheer Up, Fluttershy. It wasn't your fault. Ice and snow caused the accident. I'm sending you I'm sending you to Crewe, a fine place for sick engines. They will give you a new shape, and the larger firebox. You'll feel a different engine, and you won't need special coal anymore. Won't that be nice?

Fluttershy: (doubtfully) Yes Sir.

Fluttershy liked being at Crewe, but was glad to come home. I crowd of people waited for her to arrive in her new shape. She looked so Splendid and strong that they gave her three cheers.

Fluttershy: Peep! Peep! Thank you very much!

I'm sorry to say that a lot of children are often late to school, because they often watch Fluttershy pass by. They often see her pulling Express. She does it so well that Gordon is jealous. But that's another story.

To be Continued... 

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