Trouble In the Shed

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Twilight, Thomas and Friends 

Episode 1: Pinkie Pie: Tenders, Turntables, and Trouble 

Part 2: Trouble In the Shed

Previously On Twilight, Thomas and Friends... 

The Big Engines are lonely now that Percy has gone to the Works. They now have to shunt their own coaches, and feel overworked. Gordon then jams the turntable, and ends up pulling his next train backwards. James spins around on the turntable like a top, and everyone laughs at the bigger engines. That night, Gordon, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, James, and Henry have an indignation meeting on the subject. Then the engines come to the conclusion that they should go on strike.

The next day, Sir Topham Hatt was in his office, listening to the noise outside. The passengers were angry. Then, the station master came in.

Sir Topham Hatt: What's going on?

Stationmaster: There's trouble in the shed, sir. Henry is sulking, there's no train, and the passengers are saying, "This is a bad Railway." 

Sir Topham Hatt: Indeed! We cannot allow that!

He found Gordon, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, James, and Henry in the shed looking very cross. 

Sir Topham Hatt: Come along, Henry. It's time you're train was ready.

Gordon: Henry is not going. We won't shut like little tank engines. That was Percy's job. We are important tender engines. You fetch our coaches and we will pull them. Tender engines don't shunt!

Sir Topham Hatt: We'll see about that! No engine on my railway is too important for small jobs.

And he hurried away to find Edward.

Sir Topham Hatt: (thinking sadly) The yard has never been the same since Percy went to the works. 

Edward was shunting.

Sir Topham Hatt: Leave those Freight cars, Edward. I want you to push coaches for me in the yard.

Edward: Thank you, sir. That will be a nice change.

Sir Topham Hatt: That's a good engine, off you  go then.

So Edward found coaches for the five engines, and that day, the trains ran as usual.

The next morning, Edward looked unhappy. Gordon came clanking past, hissing loudly.

Sir Topham Hatt: Whoa! Bless me, what a noise!

Edward: They all hiss me sir. They say tender engines don't shunt, and last night, they said I have gray wheels. I haven't, have I, sir?

Sir Topham Hatt: No Edward. You have nice blue ones and I'm proud of you. Tender engines do shunt. But all the same, we do need another Tank Engine here.

He went into a Workshop, and looked at all sorts of engines. At last, they saw a small pink engine with 4 Wheels.

Sir Topham Hatt: (thinking) That's the One. (To Pinkie) If I choose you, will you work hard? 

Pinkie Pie: Yes Sir! I'm Pinkie Pie! You can call me Pinkie. 

Sir Topham Hatt: That's a good engine. Pinkie Pie it shall be. 

Pinkie: Thank You, Sir!

And Sir Topham Hatt brought Pinkie Pie back to the yard. 

Sir Topham Hatt: Edward, Here's Pinkie Pie. Will you show her everything? 

Pinkie soon learned what to do, And they had a happy afternoon. Then Henry came clanking by, hissing as usual. 

Pinkie: WHEESH!

Henry jumped and went back to the shed.

Edward: (Laughing) How Beautifully You wheesed him! I can't wheesh like that. 

Pinkie: Oh. That's nothing. You Should hear them in the workshop. You have to WHEESH loudly to make yourself heard! 

The Next Day, Thomas and Percy Came along with Fluttershy. 

Percy: Nice to meet two new engines! Anyways, Sir Topham Hatt sent for us. I expect he wants help.

Edward: (Shushes) Here he Comes! 

Sir Topham Hatt: Well Done, Thomas, Twilight, Percy, and Fluttershy. You've been Quick. Listen, Henry, Gordon, James, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash are sulking. They say they won't shunt like little tank engines. So I have shut them up, and I want you Five and Edward to run the line for a while. 

Thomas: Little Tank engines indeed! We'll show them!

Sir Topham Hatt: And Pinkie Pie will help Too. 

Pinkie: Yes Sir!

Thomas, Edward, Twilight, and Fluttershy worked the main line, greeting each other as they pass by. Percy and Pinkie Pie worked the branch line. Thomas and Twilight were anxious about their coaches. But both Percy, the Driver and conductor promised to take care of them.

There were fewer trains, but the passengers didn't mind. They knew the five other engines were having a lesson.

Gordon, James,  Henry, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were cold, lonely, and miserable. They wish now that they hadn't been so silly.

To be Continued

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