Episode 14

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Twilight, Thomas, and Friends

Episode 14: Twilight meets the Queen

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were puffing buffer to buffer back home. It had been a busy day. First, Pinkie teased Rainbow Dash about the time the sky blue engine slid into a ditch. Then, Pinkie fell down a mine and Rainbow Dash came to her rescue.

Rainbow Dash: Remember, Pinkie. United we stand, together we fall. You help me and I'll help you.

Pinkie: I'll Remember. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! I just hope Sir Topham Hatt Forgives us soon.

Suddenly, They noticed something. Everywhere they looked, they saw paint pots, and painters!

Pinkie: Bust my buffers! What's Happening?

Percy: (whispering, shushes) Sir Topham Hatt is going to tell us now.

Sir Topham: Ladies and Gentlemen, and engines. I am honored to inform you, that her majesty, The Queen is coming to visit us! Now, on with the preparations!

The engines wondered who would pull the royal train.

Edward: I'm too old to pull important trains.

Rainbow Dash: I'm in disgrace.

Rarity: He'll choose me, of course!

Fluttershy: You? You can't climb hills. He'll probably ask me or another big engine to pull it. If I'm chosen, I'll have a new coat of paint!

Then, the rain came. Fluttershy doesn't mind the rain. Her driver and fireman covered her cab to keep dry. A painter was on a ladder above the line.  Fluttershy's smoke blew high into the air. The painter couldn't see. Both he and the paint pot fell all over Fluttershy.


Poor Fluttershy!

Painter: Whelp, you're not a pretty picture.

Next to speak to her was Sir Topham Hatt.

Sir Topham Hatt: You look like an iced cake, Shy! That won't do for the royal train. I must make other arrangements.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were waiting for him

Both: Please Sir!

Sir Topham Hatt: One at a time. Yes, Rainbow Dash?

Rainbow Dash: May Pinkie Pie go back on Twilight's Branch line?

Sir Topham Hatt: I think you're both sorry and deserve a treat. Edward will go in front to clear the line. Pinkie will look after the coaches, and Rainbow Dash will pull the train!

The great day came. All the engines worked hard, bringing people to the town. Pinkie sorted out their coaches in the yard.

Edward steamed in.

Edward: (whistles) The Queen is here!

Rainbow Dash whistled as she entered the station. Everyone knew that sound. The queen's train glided into the station. Rainbow Dash was spotless and her brass shone brightly. She was given rainbow streaks on her tender for highlight. Sir Topham Hatt stood to attention.

Sir Topham Hatt: Welcome, Ma'am.

The queen thanked him for a splendid run and asked to see all the engines.

Toby and Percy Whistled. Rarity and Fluttershy shushed them, but they didn't care!

Percy: Three cheers for the queen!

All the engines whistled. When it was time to leave, the queen spoke specially to Pinkie Pie,  who fetched her coaches. Then to Edward, and at last to Rainbow Dash, who took her away. No engine has ever felt prouder than those on Sir Topham Hatt's Railway.


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