Twilight's Promise

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Twilight, Thomas and Friends 

Episode 6: Twilight's Wild Water Adventures

Part 1: Twilight's Promise 

Based on "Percy's Promise" by Rev. W. Awdry 

Every summer, the island of Sodor is very busy. Holiday makers love to sightsee, and when the weather is fine, there is no better place to visit. Some people go to the mountains. Others like the valleys. Children love the seaside.

One morning, Thomas was coming along the line that runs by the coast. His two coaches, Annie and Clarabel, were filled with children going to the beach. Everyone was happy.

Twilight was taking some Freight cars to the harbor.

Twilight: Hello, Thomas. You look cheerful! I wish I could take children today instead of Freight cars. 

Thomas: They're the Vicar's Sunday School. I'm busy this evening, but the stationmaster says I can ask you to take the children home!

Twilight: Of course I will.

Pinkie: Pinkie Promise? 

Twilight: Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.

Later, Twilight saw Harold.

Harold: Sorry, Twilight. I'm afraid I can't talk. I'm on high alert.

Twilight: Why? 

Harold: Bad weather is due. My help is always needed. Mind how you go, Twilight.  

Twilight: Huh! As long as I have rails, I can go anywhere, and any weather, anyhow. Goodbye.

Edward: Be Careful. There's a storm coming.

Twilight: (thinking) A Promise is a promise no matter what the weather.

The children had a lovely day. But by teatime, dark clouds loomed ahead. Annie and Clarabel were glad when Twilight arrived. The rain streamed down Twilight's boiler. 

Twilight: Ugh! 

She thought of her nice, dry shed.

Twilight struggled past Coastal Villages and into the countryside. The river was Rising fast.

Twilight: (complaining) I wish I can see, I wish I can see!

Twilight continued to battle against the rain. More trouble lay ahead.

Twilight: (hissing) Oh! The water is sloshing My Fire!

Twilight's driver and fireman how to find more firewood. 

Twilight's Fireman: (to the Conductor) I'll have some of your floor boards, please.

Conductor: (grumbling) I only swept the floor this morning.

But he helped anyway. Soon, Twilight's fire was burning well. She felt warm and comfortable again. Then she saw Harold. 

Twilight: Oh Dear! Harold has come to laugh at me.


Something thudded onto Twilight's boiler. 

Twilight: Ow! He didn't need to throw things! 

Twilight's Driver: (laughing) It's a parachute! Harold is dropping hot drinks for us!

Twilight: Thank you, Harold. 

Harold: Good to be of service. 

The water lapped Twilight's Wheels. Twilight was losing steam again, but she plunged bravely on. 

Twilight: (panting) I promised, I promised!

She made one more big effort, and at last, exhausted but triumphant, she brought the train home. 

Thomas: (cheering) Well Done, Twilight. You kept your promise despite everything!

Pinkie: Yes! Great job too!

Sir Topham Hatt arrived on Harold. First, he thanked the men, and then Twilight.

Sir Topham Hatt: Harold told me You're a wizard. He said he could beat you at some things, but not at being a submarine. I don't know what you to get up to sometimes, but I do know you are very useful engine. 

Twilight: Oh Sir... 

To Be Continued...

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