Still Here: Part 2

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                It was about a whole month later, and Beth was still months away from giving birth. We were coming across an open road through the woods and decided to make camp. Or at least rest. It was about 3 in the afternoon. I decided to go see if I could find anything to eat when Carl joined me.

                “You probably should’ve stayed with Beth.” I smiled as I pointed my gun forward.

                “I know…but, ever since, we found her…I haven’t been able to be with you.”

                I turned and knew exactly what he meant. I scoffed.

                “Yeah…shame.” I teased as I looked around smiling.

                “I found one.” Carl quietly spoke. I turned and saw him holding up a condom.

                “My gosh.” I blushed. “No. It might break.”

                “We did the first time without one.” He chewed on his lip and sighed.

                “We were lucky.” I scoffed.

                “Come on.” He whined and walked over to me. I stopped and turned around.

                “I’m gross and sweaty.” I mumbled.

                Carl just let out a slight laugh. “I don’t care.”

                Who am I kidding? We’d be like rabbits if we could find protection everyday but…alas…

                I took off my shirt and threw it to the ground. The deal that we made all that time ago. He only recently turned 15, so I guess that’s out.

                The air was humid and extremely wild.

                It only increased my want for him. That burning that made my legs squeeze together.

                He took off his own shirt and then undid my bra, leading me to the ground. I unzipped my pants and pushed them down a bit.

                “We have to be quick.” I gasped as his lips wouldn’t leave my purt nipples alone.

                His hat has fallen off by now, and all he needed to do was unzip his own pants and put the condom on.

                I was used to something being down there now, inside me, touching my wall, but I wasn’t used to him still growing.

                He gasped and put a hand on my knee, then came down, eager.

                “Oh…” He swallowed and took a moment to enjoy the feeling of his length being surrounded by my warm skin. “Yes…” He gasped.

                “Faster.” I let out.

                At first he did what I asked making my entire body feel the ecstasy of his every push. “Nnn!” I cried out. I put my hands over my mouth trying to stop my moans.

                “No!” Carl whimpered. “Ah…I want to hear you…” He whispered and slowed down. Our skin was already moist from the humidity. But this was just unbelievable.

                I slowly moved my hands and he pinned them down.

                “If you go slow….it’ll start to burn…and I won’t be able to keep quiet.” I slowly breathed as he stopped moving entirely.

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