Episode 44: Pressure Of Tears

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                The door made a horrible sound when it opened causing me to jerk and open my eyes only to be blinded by a far off light.

                Tears stung next and I managed to see Stark standing in the doorway.

                “Get up. And make the princess wake up too.” Stark said in an emotionless superior tone.

                “Geh.” I frowned and turned to see Carl draped all over me. His head had found its way to my stomach, turning it into a pillow, and one of his hands was resting on the side of my breast, over my heart. The other was entwined with my fingers.

                I blushed at the remembrance of those soft lips slightly parted now, letting warm exhales dampen my silky dress and tickle my side, which was, a much more intense feeling than I thought possible. I’m ashamed to say, if it were all those hours ago, still darkness, I’d have that sensual feeling again, burning into me.

                “He’s not a princess.” I smiled and slowly lifted him until his head was cradled in my lap. “He’s a prince.” I giggled.

                He exhaled and shifted like he was trying to avoid getting up. I laughed and then mentally smacked myself. Moron. Lecher. Pervert woman.

                I saw Stark waiting. Getting impatient. Well screw you. Let him wait. Carl hasn’t woken up yet.

                I looked down to him again and saw his eyes slowly flutter open. Dang. He’s a prince all right. Boy of my dreams… but…

                “Are they letting us go?” Carl whispered even though he didn’t mean to.

                “Yeah. Under said terms from last night.”

                The morning light made his skin glow and the eyes he was born with made my whole body quake with desire. His shirt and coat covered most of his chest, but they fell off his stomach exposing the slim structure this life has molded for him.

                He shifted, trying to get up, which made my heart pounce at his seductive form, then finally stood, exposing his lean frame still dressed in those once upon a time expensive clothes.

                Carl just glared at Stark but turned away helping me up.

                After we were escorted outside, Vernetta held out two large coats for us. Afterwards, we were given specific threats not to leave the area, or they’d kill Roy or Gabby or whoever else. If I were only a little more on edge, I wouldn’t care. But as it turns out, I do. I don’t want people dying for me.

                An image of that little girls head being shot in two blazed again and the smell I’ve had to endure all night came back.

                “Hun” I bent over and let an odd colored liquid pour out into the snow.

                “Audrey?!” Carl turned and grabbed my long hair, pulling it back and started to hold me up. “Get some water!” He turned to the rest as if they were being ridiculous.

                Vernetta sighed and just walked away to do as he commanded.

                I had trouble breathing and a few reaction tears strolled down my eyes. Carl took his sleeve and wiped them away as he bit his lip.

                “You ok?” He looked absolutely terrified.

                “It was the smell.” True, the outside air was as clean as the snow on the ground, but he still knew what I meant.

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