{gremlin has left the chat}

keef: where’s the lie though?


Lance was absent mindedly strumming on his guitar in one of the sound modules right outside of the music room. He couldn’t get the raven haired boy out of his head. The absent minded  strumming slowly turned into notes that slowly turned into a chorus. Setting the guitar down he started playing on the piano in the small room after figuring out the beat he recorded the guitar part and played the piano with the recording. Once he was satisfied with the song so far and after he had written it down he took a break and decided to text the boy he couldn’t get out of his head.


loverboy-lance: hey whats up

keef: nothing really, what about you?

loverboy-lance:nothing much i just got done working on a song

keef: that’s cool, i just finished my painting for my project. i hope i get an A

loverboy-lance: did the keith kogane just capitalize a letter

loverboy-lance: who are you and what have you done with the real mullet

keef: haha very funny.

keef: hey this is kinda spontaneous but do you want to get some coffee after class today if you have nothing better to do. hunk can come too if he’s not busy either. im sure he and pidge will have a fun time talking about whatever sciencey thing they talk about.

loverboy-lance: i’ll do you one better how about the four of us go to lunch again but this time i pick the place

keef: sounds good to me! meet me by my car when your class is done.

{keef: has left the chat}

Lance was smiling he was really falling for this boy. He had dated plenty of people, boys and girls alike to know that this boy was special. The way he felt when he was with Keith felt different than how he felt with other people he had dated before, and they weren’t even dating. Lance wouldn’t say it but he really liked Keith. He got back to his song an waited until the class was over


Keith was waiting out by his car before Lance walked out of the building. He beckoned the taller boy over as he began laying out the game plan

    “Ok, so Pidge should be waiting outside the science block for us but knowing them they probably aren’t. Once we get Pidge are we going to lunch or do we have to pick up Hunk?” Keith was talking fast as the two got into his car

    “We have to pick Hunk up at my apartment, he didn’t have class today.” Lance buckled his seatbelt as Keith handed him his phone and the aux cord and old him to pick the music while he drove to the science block. Lance picked Keith’s spotify playlist titled ‘some good fuckin bops mmmm’. “Send me your location, lets focus on communicating. Cause I just need the time and place to come through.” Keith started singing along and holy fuck? This boy could sing?! Lance was shocked at how well keith could sing.

    “Initially, I didn’t want to fall for you gather my attention it was all for you so, don’t take advantage. Don’t leave my heart damaged.” Keith kept singing along not paying attention to the boy next to him.

    “Dude you’re really good at singing. Like really good, better than some of the kids in my class.” Lance was still in shock.

    “Mhmm I doubt it but ok thanks for the compliment. Fuck Pidge why do you have to do this to me?” Keith had pulled up to the science block and Pidge was still inside and not waiting outside like they said they would be.

    “I can go get them if you want, what room are they in?” Lance asked halfway out of the car.

    “Room 13b if they aren’t there ask Professor Holt or Matthew Holt where they could be.” Keith replied thankful that Lance was going in for him. Lance ran into the building and walked to room 13b and looked around. Upon not seeing the small human he had met the day before he looked for Professor Holt. He asked the professor if he knew where Pidge was and the professor pointed him in the direction of a lab next door. The lanky boy looked in the lab through the window on the door and saw Pidge writing information down on a chart on the wall. Lance knocked on the door alerting Pidge of his presence. They nodded at him signalling they were almost done. He thought about Pidge and Keith’s relationship, they acted like siblings but they weren’t related he knew that much from his conversations with the raven haired boy. He wondered how they knew each other and how long they had been friends. He was pulled out of his thoughts when Pidge exited the lab with their bag ready to go. Lance made small talk noting things about their appearance. Pidge was wearing a red t-shirt with two white stripes on the sleeves and a white collar tucked into a pair of high waisted black skinny jeans, and burgundy striped adidas. They finally got into the car and Keith started driving to Lance’s apartment.

    “Wait a second, Pidge is that my shirt?”
word count: 1,566

um its been a long while take this as a present for whatever holiday you celebrate hope your holiday season is going great also
i have a new book out. its not klance but its still super fuckin gay. its called "rain fall" i would really appreciate if y'all went and checked that out. also also, im glued to the bottom of a bottomless pit with this crush i have please help im too gay to function anyways thanks for enjoying this fic i should have another chapter out soon bc i've been really inspired lately but don't hold me to that im bad at promises
um small little edit but i just realized that this fic is at 1k reads and im just astonished. thank you all so much it means a lot to me that people enjoy my writing anyways this is about the best christmas present i could get after this shitty year thank you!

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