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Malin woke up beaming. But soon the reality of his problems quickly set in. He was going places he shouldn't. He was in love with a human, not to mention that Amell was a he. He knew he would have to lead a double life for the rest of his life.

No. He thought. This is a joyous moment. Malin took a look at the blade once more.

He wondered if he should bring Amell a gift too. But what in his small world could Malin give him? What would Amell even want? The more he thought, the more he realized how little he knew about Amell. Amell had mostly just listened to Malin's problems. Malin realized he was quite rude.

Not ever asking who Amell was. The only reason Amell would have thought to give Malin a blade because he told him about the arena. The only thing Malin knew about Amell is that he was a fisherman. Malin left the confines of his bedroom. The servants in the castle were swimming in blurs.

They seemed to all be busy going back and fourth between rooms in the castle. Malin stopped someone and asked:

"What is happening, exactly?" The servant gave Malin a funny look.

"Sir, all due respect but don't you know anything that happens in your own kingdom? Your father is having special visitors from a nearby kingdom."

I was informed about no such thing. Malin thought.

The servant was right. Almost everything was kept from Malin. He hated it when his father did things like this. But today didn't matter he wasn't planing to stay long enough to see the visitors. He simply started to leave the castle. When king Maliq stopped him in his tracks.

"Son, were are you going? We're expecting some visitors today. They're from our leading trade partner, Caspian. There is a surprise for you too."
Malin rolled his eyes to this.

He wasn't a child anymore. His father couldn't just lure him in with a so-called surprise. He didn't want to be here. Malin didn't have a choice in the matter he hardly ever did. He reluctantly turned around.

Malin figured since he was to be treated like a child he would act like one. He sat in his throne an had a fit. He whaled and whined on and on about the meeting.

Then the escorts came in signaling the royals to come in soon after. Then three people came into the doors. They were announced. But this announcement wasn't as Malin had been expecting. This was a surprise.

"King Dai of Caspian. Queen Rasalin, of Caspian and Princess Aimi of Caspian the woman who to be wed to Prince Malin in four months."

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