Holiday Nightmare

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Hello everybody and Happy Holidays! It's has been a wild ride this year. I know this year has kind of sucked for everyone, but 2018 is almost here. For this post I thought I would do a CHROSTMAS SPECIAL!!! This post will not be cannon to the others. It's just a fun little holiday post. Anyway, here is a "Holiday Nightmare" 😊

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, bot a creature was stirring. Wrong! The demons, the evil versions of Jack and Mark were waiting for you downstairs for a wonderful Christmas. You woke up in your grandmother's house. You got up out of bed, and put on a Christmas onesie. You saw a note on your door, it read. "Merry Christmas sweetie. Your grandfather and I are going to run some errands and we will be back around four. Great, now you will be left alone with Anti and Dark. You went downstairs to see that Anti and Dark were still sleeping, and they were sleeping together on the same couch. You quickly and quietly went upstairs and grabbed your phone and pulled out the camera. You took a picture of them, but you forgot the flash wasn't off, so a bright light shone in the living room. The boys woke up. Looking at each other, then looking back at you.

You thought Anti was for sure was going to stab you, but he and Dark got up, walked over and hugged you. "Merry Christmas Y/N!' Says them both in such a happy tone. You were baffled. "You guys aren't mad." You asked cautiously. They both let go. "Why would we be mad, it's Christmas, and as long as you don't post or show the picture to anybody we won't care." "Ok, I am going to go make some breakfast." You put your phone in your pocket and walked into the kitchen. "What do you guys want for breakfast." But when you turned to look at them, they were gone. You shrugged your shoulders and pulled out some eggnog and poured some into a cup. You sat and watched some tv, but before you got to turn on your favorite show. The boys raced in, with two giant bags. You jumped a little, but not enough to spill your drink. You gently placed it on the table next to you.

Dark put one of the bags on the counter and walked over to you. "My lady, we have a surprise for you. We wish for you to join us." He gave you this sappy look, like he was begging. You had nothing else to do anyways. "Fine, but make sure to be back around four." "Deal." You gut up and got a jacket. Anti walked you outside while Dark was trailing behind. There was a giant red sled with twelve reindeer. In amazement, you quickly ran over and start to pet the deer. The one in front had a squeaky red clown nose. "Have you guys been reading Christmas stories." You started to laugh a little bit as you took off the noes. "But that's Randolph the Red Noes Reindeer." Said Dark in an upsetting voice. "Dark, for one, it's Rudolph the Red Noes Reindeer. Two he doesn't exist. It's a fairy tale that people tell each other on Christmas.

You hopped into the sleigh, followed by Anti and Dark. " Go ahead and drive the sleigh Y/N." Dark handed you the reins. You held them tightly. Screaming, you yelled, "On Dasher on Dancer on Prancer and Vixen, on Comet on Cupid on Donner on Blitzen and on Rudolph!" You didn't care how childish that was you enjoyed in the reindeer started to run. You quickly made it down Daniel Street, Dark whispers in your ear. "Go to the old barn outside of town." You looked confused, but you just went along with it.

You made it to the outskirts of town. Where a dirty, old barn laid. You stopped the reindeer. All three of you jumped out of the sleigh. "That was fun." Anti rubbing his side, "Maybe a little nicer on turns." "Oops sorry Anti" All of you walked towards the barn and made it too the front gate. "So why are we here in the first place." Anti put his arm around you." We know that you have had a rough year, and we thought it would be time if you got appreciation for all the nice things you did." Dark took the lock off and opened the doors. Where you got to see Christmas lights, and decorations. With a giant buffet. And all the relatives you lost and haven't lost. Also, a giant Christmas tree in the middle.

You started to tear up. You turned around and gave Anti and Dark and big hug. "Thank you, this is the best Christmas gift I have ever gotten." You went and gave everyone a hug and were partying with everyone. You also saw your grandma and grandpa. You ran over to them and gave them a hug. " You guys were in on this too?" "Of course, sweetie, we wanted you to have a fun and happy Christmas that you will never forget." "I won't ever forget this."

Time skip

It was almost midnight, everyone was saying their goodbyes, but Anti walked over. "Hey Y/N," he sounded nervous. "Yeah, what's up Anti." Giving him a confused look. "Well, actually I read in a Christmas book that it is a tradition to um..." He pointed upwards, where you saw a bright mistletoe hanging above you guys. "Aww Anti, your so sweet." You both hugged and hive Anti a Kiss. He started to blush. " Anti are you blushing." You started to giggle. "No, just demons have red on them, and life." You started to laugh, but Dark was in the corner of your eye looking little jealous. "Anti, do you mind if someone else has a turn." You point towards turn, but without him noticing. Anti went and grabbed Dark and moved him over to you. He tried to act sophisticated, but he ended up acting more nervous then Anti. "Y/N, do you" He started to shake. "Dark it's fine of course I will. You both kissed under the mistletoe. Dark was blushing bright red when you looked at him. You gave him a hug. You motioned for Anti to come over. You hugged them both. "Thank you, boys, for the best Christmas of my life.

That is the end of the: Holiday Nightmare". Hope you guys enjoyed it. And I hope you guys have an awesome holiday weekend. Woot Woot no school am I right guys. Oh, yeah right. I almost forgot. Here is the mad lib that was created. Have yourself a happy holiday everybody. And as always, I will see you guys in the next post. Buh Bye.

- Emerza

Twas the night before Halloween, when all through the Spain
not a creature was running, not even a cat.
The spaces were hung by the chimney with care,
in hopes that Antisepticeye soon would be there.

The computers were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of chocolate caramel danced in their heads.
And Mama in her t-shirt, and I in my pants,
had just settled our brains for a fluffy winter's nap.

When out on the France there arose such a clatter,
I skipped from my bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I walked like a flash,
tore open the laptop, and threw up the wrapper.

The screen on the breast of the soft snow
gave the lustre of midday to mouths below,
when, what to my small eyes should appear,
but a miniature blindfold and 69 tiny pitbull.

With a long old driver, so thick and evil,
I knew in a moment it must be Darkiplier.
More rapid than llamakittens, his coursers they came,
and he jumped and shouted and called them by name

" Now Markimoo! Now Jacksepticeye
Now, pewdipie and alphozon
On, freddy fazbear! On, bonnie
On, ennard and mangle
To the top of the russia
To the top of the freddy fazbears pizzaria
Now dash away! Dash away
Dash away all

As evil leaves that before the nice hurricane fly,
when they meet with an yak, mount to the sky
so up to the school the coursers they ruined,
with the sleigh full of kardashins, and Tim Burton too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the Mars
the running and laughing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head and was turning around,
down the chimney Johnny Depp came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fluff ball, from his head to his foot,
and his mice were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of birds he had stolen on his back,
and he looked like a music just diving his pack.

His eyes--how they died! His dimples, how merry
His cheeks were like bitches, his nose like a apple juice
His floofy little mouth was drawn up like a trash can,
and the spoon on his chin was as long as the snow.
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
and the smoke it encircled his head like a knife.
He had a shiny face and a bloody round belly,
that shook when he laughed, like a bowl full of pizza.

He was soft and plump, a right jolly old elf,
and I drank when I saw him, in spite of myself.
A wink of his spork and a twist of his ocean
soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He trapped not a word, but went straight to his milk,
and filled all the gay, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his backpack,
and giving a nod, up the chimney he drowned.

He ran to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all forgotten like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he slapped out of sight,

Happy Halloween to all, and to all a smooth night

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