Who Is Too Trust Now?

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Sorry guys. I have not been paying attention on this story. I am going to try harder to do the story earlier, so I can at least be posted. Here you guys go Part 4.

Warm tears started to run down your face. You have never been happier to see someone that will listen to you. Your grandmother had a concerned look. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out., she spoke," Y/N, what were you doing on the sidewalk? It looked like you have seen a ghost." She moved you off her shoulder and wiped off your tears. "Y/N, are you ok?" You grandmother was getting worried. "Why don't you come inside, and we can talk about it." You turned around and look around you to make sure they weren't following you. Then, you walked inside.

Your grandmother walks you over to her love seat and then she sat in the one right across. You looked around till you saw your grandfather at his computer desk, playing virtual poker. You couldn't really see if he was winning, but it looked like he was getting frustrated. "Now Y/N," your grandmother spoke, and you quickly spun your head to face her. "Can you tell me what happened, and why you were on the sidewalk? Also, why you are not home?" She spoke in a calm voice, trying to reassure you. You go to open your mouth, but all that came out was just a puff of air. You thought you felt something roll all the way down across your spine. You grabbed the nearest object. Which was a jar, filled with coins. You started to tremble. You spun around and started to tear up once more. "why can't you guys just leave me alone." You go to throw the jar, but your grandfather comes and grabs it. You fell to your knees, tearing up and wondering when it was going to end.

Grandmothers POV

I tried calming down Y/N, but as soon as she opened her mouth. She just grabbed our jar and it looked like she was ready to hit someone. Luckily Edward came over and grabbed the jar before Y/N fell to her knees. I have never see Y/N act like this at all. I kneeled next to her, I tried to comfort her, but she flinched up and backed up to the wall. She was so frightened, I...I.... I didn't know what to do. I Looked at Edward and he looked at me with the same frightened and upset look. I slowly got up with Edwards help. We both walked out of the room, so we can figure out a plan. "Oh, Charlette what are we going to do?" Edwards voice was shaky. "Calm down Edward, we both know we can't solve this if we both don't think clearly" You tried to think up a plan. What if we both tried to lure her into a room upstairs and try to figure it out from there. At least we know she would be safe. I told Edward the plan, we figured he would be the bait and I would be the one to shut and lock the door.

Grandfathers POV

After I knew the plan that Charlette and I came up with. Well ok Charlette came up with I had to think up something fast, so Y/N could be safe. But when we went back into the room. She was gone. "Charlette, Charlette!" I screamed for her, she came in as fast as she could. We both knew what we had to do. I grabbed the phone and dialed 991.

Officer: 911 what is your emergency?

Edward: Yes, I would like to report a missing child

Officer: Ok, what did she look like?

Edward: She wore a bright yellow shirt, and blue jeans. With red and white stripped sneakers.

Officer: Ok, do you remember anything else?

Edward: No, I don't believe I can

Officer: And how old is she?

Edward: 16 sir

Officer: And what is her name?

Edward: Y/N

Officer: Alright that's we will need. I will have my best men search out for Y/N. I will let you know if we know anything.

Edward: Thank you Officer


I put down the phone and turn to face Charlette and starts to tear up. I go and giver her a hug. "Don't worry Charlette we will find her".


You didn't know what was going on. I was so scared I didn't know what to do. You heard someone kneel next to me. You flinched up and raced towards the wall. grandma and grandpa looked over at each other. Then grandpa helped grandma up and they both left the room. You didn't know what to do. But you knew there is something here because of you. I need to go to some place else where no one will ever look so they don't find me. You thought about it, but you knew it had to be done. You quietly got up and went through the back door. You ran as fast as you could away from her house, and you never looked back. You made it to an alley way. You started to walk slower and just make sure no one was following you from any direction. You went to take one more step, but something hit you in the neck. "Jesus, wh-." You went to finish your sentence, but you felt dizzy. You vision became blurry, but you saw two tall men standing a few feet away from you. In your last minutes you herd a dark raspy voice. "Don't worry Y/N we will take good care of you". You fell to the ground with a thud, and her a glitchy laugh. You blacked out, but for a few more seconds you herd one of them say. "You idiot why didn't you catch her, she could have hurt herself". Then silence filled the air.

Alright that's it for part 4. It feels good to be back in action. Thank you, guys, so much for staying with me even though it took me a long time for my next post. I really appreciate every one of you. You guys are what keeps me going. Can't wait to start writing part 5. I already have so many ideas. Also Happy Thanksgiving if I don't post tomorrow. I am thankful for all of you guys being here ready my dumb fanfic and posting such nice comments. Happy Wednesday everyone. Buh Bye 😊

- Ant_Septiceye_Sam 

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