Who to Believe

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Sorry for the last few posts guys. Just needed to share some stuff. I can't promise that there won't be any more post like those, but I will be keeping up the story and I will let you guys know if anything is going that I won't be able to post. Anyway, here is the next part of The Nightmare. Enjoy 😊

You blink a few times, and rub your eyes. You look around and all you see is darkness. Until you see a tiny light. Deciding whether to follow it or not, but there was no hope of finding where you were if you were in the dark. You started to walk towards the light. You hear footsteps, walking at the same time as you. You walk a little faster. The footsteps get faster a louder. You started to run towards the light, but it didn't look like you were getting any closer. You trip and fall, you quickly spin around to see what was chasing you. You didn't see anything except the men. The men, you saw on YouTube, oh what were their names. The one with the bright turquoise hair put his hand out to you.

You go to put your hand on his hand, but you jerk back. The one with the black hair kneels next to you, and puts his hand on your shoulder. You turn your head towards him. In a smooth, calming voice, he says," Don't worry, it's OK". You turn your head towards the one with green hair; still having his hand out, you slowly put your hand on his. The one with red hair tries to lift you up off the ground. You stand up, and go and hug the one with green hair. You felt warmth, and you felt calm. You felt at peace. The green one whispers in you're here. "See we told you it was fine."

The red haired one stands up and hugs you from behind and says, "Thank you." You go to turn around and give him a confused look, but when you turn around you see the man with a tuxedo and black hair. You go to turn to the one with green hair, but the man with the cut along his throat and green hair replaced him. You turned towards the small light and you go to run for it, but when you started to run the green one came and drived his long knife through your neck. Blood started to run down your stomach. You fell to the ground and held your stomach. Your eyes clenched in fear and pain. The two walked over and they both smiled. Someone stepped towards you and spoke, "Why are you so frightened, it's just us"? It was weird it wasn't glitched, but it was calming and sweet. Another spoke, but in a difference deep and soothing voice. "Are you OK,"? You look up and it was the two nice boys from before. You didn't feel any more pain. You looked at your stomach to see that the knife was gone, and there was no blood. You released your hands from wrapping around your stomach. Warm tears started to run down your face. "Why". You grumbled. "What"? Said the one with green hair. "Why,"?! you screamed at them. "Why do you guys feel to torcher me"? Tears started to run down faster down your face. "What, do you guys want from me"!? The green one went to hug you, but you backed away. They both looked at each other. Then back at you, and at them again. They both turned around and headed into two separate directions. You watched them, until they disappeared into the darkness.

What to do now. Your alone in the darkness with barely any light. The only light was the light at the end of the tunnel that just goes farther away every time you come closer to it. Just kind of like a-. You grabbed your phone out of your pocket and turned on your phone light. The light disappears, but leaves a trail behind you. You follow the trail, until it stopped. You looked around, but there was still nothing. You shine your light everywhere, then it shines brightly next to you. You turn down your light and you see a door knob. You grab it and push the door open. A very bright light blinds you of your path, but you keep walking.

You slowly rise your head up. Blinking to correct your vision. "Oh good, you're awake. I thought I was going to half to go in there and help you". A voice all too familiar fills the room. The deep voice, only belong to one man. The man with the black hair and tuxedo. The you tried to raise our hand, but he strapped your legs and feet onto a chair. "I hope you had a nice nap. We were waiting for you". He said as he walks away turning his back towards you. The green one goes to him. They speak quietly, but you were able to hear most of their words. "When are we going to start"? Said the green one with hesitation. "Soon, very soon", said the dark one. You struggle to get free, but you the straps only got tighter. The green one glitches over to you with a devilish happy smile. "Oh, good luck trying to get out. You're just hurting yourself more". He laughs maniacally as he walks back to the other one.

"WTF, do you guys want anyway, and who the hell are you guys?" you say, but you instantly regret it. For the two boys walk over to you. "So sorry madam, I guess we were too busy and forgot to introduce ourselves." The dark one seemed to be somewhat nicer than the green one. The green one glitches over and smiles. "Haven't you figured it out yet? We have given you hints, and here I thought you were smart". He glitches more and started to look more and more like the nice Irish YouTuber you like. The other glitched over and started to look like the Korean man from YouTube. The both stopped glitching and the green one starts to bring out his knife. "Now do you know. Hmm, maybe I should spell it out for you". He brings his knife over to your shoulder. He presses it onto your skin. You felt the knife pierce through your skin.

And that about does it for our story. I am glad you guys are liking it. Also, I was wondering if you guys wanted to ask any question about the story or where I came up with the story or what I do. I was thinking about doing a reading your comments and the end of the stories. I thought it was a fun idea. Anyway, thank you guys so much for liking my story and reading it. I always have a pleasure of writing these. And I will see all you guys in the next post. Buh Bye

- Emerza  

p.s I am going to try to post every week to the best of my abilities :)

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