Everything Is Ok

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Hello everybody! Sorry I didn't post last week, and now this post is a little late. But I finally got this one day and ready. I hope you guys enjoy it and if you guys have any suggestions on what you want in the story just let me know. Anyway, here is the next adventure of "The Nightmare." Enjoy Guys 😊

You start to scream in pain. He pulls out the knife. Blood oozes out from the cut he just made. He puts his hand over the cut. The blood slides down his arm. It drips through his fingers. He goes over to a wall. He writes the letters. A-N-T-I-S-E-P-T-I-C-E-Y-E and turns around and looks and the dark one." Do you want me to write your name"? He asks so happily. "No, that's quite alright." The dark one goes over to the shelf and grabs a clean towel and some medical supplies. He wraps up the cut. "There doesn't that feel better? Now that you now my trusty colleague my name is Darkiplier, but you can call me Dark if you'd like". You remember who they were. They were the evil versions of the Youtubers JackSepticEye and Markiplier, but how and why? "Whe-where are the other halves of you guys"? you ask trembling.

Anti frowns and walks over strangling the knife in his hand. "We don't talk about those dead headers." He puts the knife onto your neck. Just barley stripping the skin. "Got it?" he says with his glitchy frown. You were to scared to say anything, so you just move your pupils up and down. He pierces directly into your pupils and stares deeply into them. You stood completely still. You couldn't even tell if you were breathing. It felt as if he just paralyzed you. Dark walks over and pulls Anti back away from you.

Dark walks back over to you and crouches to get face to face to you. You pull your head as far back as you could, and closed your eyes ready for whatever he was going to do. In a calming deep voice Dark speaks. "Ahh, what a beautiful piece. You look..". He reaches to put his hand on your cheek and caresses you. "Please, don't be scared." You open one eye and look at him. "You can relax, I am not going to hurt you." He stands up and you open both eyes. As he looks down at you, you look back at him. You felt as if you were the only two in the room. Dark reaches down to you with his arms out wide and hugs you." Doesn't this feel better than being scared. You will be ok. Anti will not hurt you anymore." He stands up and unbuckles the straps that were on your legs and feet. "I will unbuckle the other one, but I need to know if I can trust you. Please don't make me regret this." He walks back over to Anti. As, you could tell Anti was not happy. They both start to fight.

Then the lights go out. You couldn't see a thing. But you heard someone beating up Anti and Dark. Then it became silent once more. You tightened up, what was out there. You felt someone tugging on the straps. Soon you were free. You could move your hands, but as soon as you stood up. Someone grabs your arm and runs out of the building. "Y/N! NOOOO!" You could hear Dark cry out for you. "Y/N you better come back, or I will find you." Yeah and Anti called for you. Before you knew it you were outside. You could finally see the stars. You remember looking at the stars with your father. Before he....left you. You felt a tear drip down your cheek. The last time you ever saw your father was when you were only 5 years old. How he made you laugh and was there for you when you were sad.

The mysterious person shoves you into the backseat of a car. In a very bright and light toned man speaks to you. "Hey are you alright." He had a mask on, so you didn't answer, but his voice seemed familiar. More Irish like. "Oh, sorry forgot I had this on." He takes off the mask and as you knew it; it was the famous JackSepticEye or knows for his real name Sean. Another man jumped into the car, he looked taller than Sean. He had a darker toned voice than Sean as well. "Jack did you get her?" "Of course, I got her I am a dumb arse." "Well excuse me for checking." Wait you can recognize that familiar humor anyway it's Makimoo, or known ad Markiplier on YouTube, but people just call him Mark for short since it is his real name. Mark takes off his mask." Um, hey Y/N." You barley kept in your scream. You reached over and hugged both boys. You were so happy you could meet them.

Mark started the car and drove away from what it appears to be a barn. You looked at the stars as Mark was driving. Jack moved to the passenger seat while you watched the stars. It was so peaceful and quiet. You visioned yourself with your father in the stars as he showed you where the constellation Pegasus was. You layed your head against the car window and closed your eyes. The sound of the car humming reminded of your dad humming you to sleep every night. You pictured yourself laying on the cold comfy grass staring into the sky with your father looking at the stars. You remember your dad's final words before he left. "Just remember sweetie no matter where I go, no matter how far I am. I will always and forever love you from the bottom of my heart." He gave you a kiss on the forehead and left without a trace. You felt more and more tears run down your face. You couldn't tell to be happy or sad at the moment, but you enjoyed it.

Well that about raps up this part of the story hope you guys like it. I was thinking about doing a fun little activity with everyone. I will be doing a mad lib and I want you guys to fill in the blank. Just give me (look at list for details) and guys I don't think I need to say this, but I am going to say it anyway. Please be appropriate. You can let me know in the comments below of what you guys are doing or you can pm me if you don't everyone to see. Alright that's all for now guys, so thank you guys so much for reading my story. Go.. hug that like button and I will see all you guys in the next post. Buh Bye.


1. 3 Nouns

2. 1 plural noun

3. 3 adjectives

4. 5 past tense verbs

5. 2 animals

6. 2 animal's plural

7. 3 body parts

8. 2 body parts plural

9. 2 time periods

10. 1 sounds

11. 1 relationship

12. 1 person

13. 2 first names

14. 1 food

15. 1 food plural

16. 1 article of clothing

17. 1 article of clothing plural

18. 2 furniture

19. 1 furniture plural 

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