blood and bone

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Demhain rose to his feet he was in complete agony, But he knew that he needed to escape. Ignoring all pain, he began running for the door. He could see the light. But it was as if there was a weight holding him there. Looking down at the unknown force it was his wife's dead corpse holding him there. Then His Commander, even his best friend held his feet down dragging him into the black puddle that he could only assume is the portal to Hell. He could hear their cries and pleas to him for their lives, the wails were almost on level with a banshee's cry. But as they dragged him down to his presumed demise he could see a hand reach out to him. "niahmaeD mrah llahS nrob namow fo enon rof ,nam fo rewop ehT nrocs ot hguaL .etuloser dna ,dlob ,ydoolb eB ,uoy erolpmi yam i fi ,tub .esle eno oN .esimed nwo ruoy era UOY .gniodnu ruoy eb lliw deerg dna rewop rof tsul ruoy ,emoc lliw esimed ruoy retfa tuB .htaed ruoy erofeb yad doog eno evah lliw uoy ,erom ecno gnorts eb lliw uoy niahmaeD" To him the words did not even sound english, But he grabbed the mysterious dark misty hand and pulled himself up, as he did he made a giant leap forward his legs shook as his mass hit the ground full force, he stumbled a little but managed to keep himself up right as he bolted out of the cave to what he thought would be his freedom. He could see the sunshine of the day, he could hear the air pass through the cave it was hitting all the cave walls, the air made such loud noise. But to Deamhain that was the most beautiful noise he could have heard right now. He couldn't help but have this sense of relief as he bolted out of the cave, but his heart dropped when he realized that when reaching the outside.. It was not the outside world that he was hoping for, it was more of the treacherous cave that he was beginning to loathe. With a heavy heart and a mind that was slipping into the madness, he kept running even if there was nowhere to go he went everywhere to just see, to just try to escape. All while he was doing so the echoes of the cave became stronger, he could finally make out what was being said, though there were two different sayings so it was practically impossible to tell the two apart. But what he got from it was, "Deamhain you will be strong once more, you will have one good day before your death. But after your demise will come, your lust for power and greed will be your undoing. YOU are your own demise. No one else. but, if i may implore you, Be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn The power of man, for none of woman born Shall harm Deamhain," and "Be lion-mettled, proud, and take no care Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are. Deamhain shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him.". Though he had no idea what it meant, the words remained in his mind burning like hell fire. It felt like his mind was pulsing against the edges of his skull, as he tried to run. He was beginning to feel like a cornered animal. His eyes looked like one of a madman's. Usually they were a beautiful green, but now they had darkened, almost black. The look of fear was undeniable. But it was making him frantic, and his eyes kept shifting everywhere almost as if he were paranoid of something he couldn't see. Soon Deamhain found another escape, he could see the sunshine, and with the little to no hope that he had, exhaustion was finally setting in and every single inch of his body felt like it was on fire, he could barely breathe, but he kept running trying to escape this hellish prison it was like a labyrinth. "LET ME OUT" he wailed as he charged for the exit, heart pounding and sweat dripping from his almost corpse like body. Something had gotten his body to come to a standstill, Deamhain did not stop running, he did not collapse. It was confusing, until a someone came from the shadows and into his line of vision. "You want out Deamhain" The words echoed through his ears and around the cave walls. "Yes, now let me out befor-" the figure emerged from the darkness, it revealed to be his dead wife once more. "You wouldn't hurt me Deamhain. My love" she said the words 'my love' with such spitting venom in her tone. "Look at you now Deamhain. You had always thought the right thing came above power..but don't you see little man" she slithered around him like a snake around its prey. "That power is everything, and you should kill all who is in your way. Every one. Innocent or not" her voice hinted with a sick joy. "Kill Deamhain" through her murderous rant, Deamhain had remained silent. He simply just shook his head in revolt, he did not trust in his own words. "Oh Deamhain, you silly.. little..child " with every word she spat at him, the closer her face came to his. Once she was standing directly in front of him with her hands wondering about his face in a malicious manner. "Deamhain, look here Deamhain, Deamhain" She was calling him like a little frail puppy, he lifted his gaze to meet with hers. What he saw was no longer his wife. Up close she was a true demon. Her eyes blacked out, her breath reeking of sulfur and decay. "My love-heheh," her evil bloodthirsty laugh made his spine shiver. "Look here" she stepped out of his direct sight and let him vast in the blood.. Blood he was spilling. When 'the creature' as Deamhain would have called it look back at him covered head to toe in blood. He realized. "Oh.. no" His eyes widened in horror and disbelief. "There's just no way" . As soon as he said that, his dead wife began cackling from behind him. "Yes Deamhain, this is what you WILL become. Leave here and this is what awaits you. But stay and become this" she gestured in the other direction, his eyes glanced over to himself pacing, rambling in multiple languages trying to remember something.. And proceeding cursing every so often, running at the walls and hitting his head and giving himself more and more damage, Deamhain was watching his fall into absolute insanity. "Now choose Deamhain, Insanity or a rise to power, all of what you dreamed of.. Love, please. I will even return to you. " She said with false sincerity. Her eyes brightened to their original colour, her skin once decayed is now a beautiful pale white like it once was, with its hint of rosey red on her cheeks. She was alive and back or so Deamhain foolishly believed in his time of weakness. "I choose.. Love..and regretfully power.." he said with slight hesitation. The invisible bonds that once held him were seemingly gone, his wife disappeared as did the cave, Deamhain was left standing out in the middle of nowhere with nothing but his weapons and a horse. 

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