divine punishment

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The dark and eerie cave came into sight, he could just barely smell the musk of the old water from where he was. As he slowly walked towards the domain he could just barely just see a shadow of a figure. It had raised questions for him.The torches were lit among the cave dwelling, he could feel the slight heat that they were giving off, with a sigh he finally entered the cave. "Munus, it truly has been a long time," he said with a snarky grin. "Well Hello to you too Prometheus. Old friend." He scoffed as Munus made himself at home on Prometheus's living room, so to say, more of a makeshift bed and couch made of cow skin and memory foam from the humans. The entire thing was inspired by them. Prometheus enjoyed their primitive ways. He even had the fur from various animals to keep himself warm along with other home like amenities.Munus had sat himself up in his armchair and at first, he was sprawled out among the furs and the cushions, but the moment Prometheus came closer he sat up almost instantaneously. "So, Munus, what is it you want exactly?" he said with a sigh. He knew it was one extreme or another with Munus. "Prometheus, what happened to you?" Munus said with a disappointed tone, "You are a trickster I know, but Prometheus, you have such a deep love for your humans why would you deceive them like this? You would hurt them, toy with them... What is it you intend on doing with them? " At this point Prometheus's expression had changed from one of sarcastic happiness, to a stern more outwardly intimidating look. Then Prometheus had burst out into laughter. His eyes even began to water, and he hunched over due to the explosive laughter. "Well you see Munus, I find it rather amusing you say that, because you see, once I was the saviour of humanity and the force who stopped Zeus, but I am not that person now. That was more than a few decades ago maybe a millennium or more. I have seen how the humans ravage this world that I had restored for them, I have seen how they act towards each other and there are many upon many humans that deserve to be screwed around with. But I have not lost all of my mind or heart to my consuming madness. I still do attempt to help those I see fit. I am not better than any, but I can see their future paths my brother. I just want preemptive justice on some, and others I want to help push into the right direction. On the plus side, it provides me such great entertainment as well.". Munus had at this point looked so stressed out it was incredibly evident, everything from how his breathing changed from slow and calm, to deeper, and more predominate exhales, to the way he brushed his hands both shakily and angrily through his hair. "Prometheus, we both know that is wrong, and your madness is getting to be too much, I am here for you my brother but... This can not continue." His voice increased slowly as the sentence went on slowly.Prometheus had, at this point, brought Munus to his feet, things kept getting worse and worse, and the look in Prometheus's eyes shone of that of a madman, Truly terrifying. Prometheus has silently been giggling this entire time, but he could not contain it anymore, and the walls of the cave had begun to echo with his insanity induced laughter. It was incredibly eerie and sent cold shivers down Munus' spine."Now brother, hehe, why would I stop this? It creates so much joy for me! Haha. My life is so dull without this, and I get to punish those who have or will do wrong who come across me. It is as it should be, I should punish those in need of punishing since they can not seem to realize the importance of changing." Munus stood up and began to pace, his eyes were fixated on Prometheus from time to time. Then he saw something shimmer on the ground, he ran over to a pre-lit torch and picked it up and took it back to the shimmering spot on the ground. It was blood, and there was more of it the more he moved with the torch around Prometheus's cave. "Prometheus... do not tell me this is what I think it is" he said with a deadly serious tone. The madman only cackled in response. Munus' eyes widened in horror at the mass number of human corpses laying, some stacked and some thrown all of the place, the intestines all gone. There were piles of bones and skin lying just adjacent to the bodies. "Prometheus, this simply can not be allowed. By gods what have you done! What is the justice in murder, where is it?!" Munus almost began to scream at Prometheus.At this point Munus dropped the torch and angrily threw Prometheus at a wall, and then proceeded to hold him by the neck against the wall. "Prometheus! What in god's name has possessed you, a demon, Satan himself? What is the matter with you?!" Prometheus has removed his hand from his throat and threw him across the room and into a cave wall which broke under Munus' hit to it. "What have I done? You should be asking what THEY have done. All those people were worse than Medusa, way worse than any minotaur or basilisk. They are monsters. They killed, murdered many innocent people. Corrupt business that caused mass poverty, prioritized profit over lives. The greedy ones, they stole many things, and they raped, and so much more. They are the true monsters here, and they deserved to die. They deserved the worst parts of the underworld to consume them." He began laughing. "And the more the madness in me spread, the more that I saw these humans do this with no signs of their future changing. It was heartbreaking and my grief got to a point where it consumed me, and it broke me. I could not fathom majority of the things that these people have done. Humanity is full of heartless monsters. Bloodthirsty monsters. I Just do not know how these... pitiful humans aren't all mad by now." Munus by now was in a total state of shock, he never knew how Prometheus felt about the humans, but then again, he had come to the realization that Prometheus has been among the humans for several millennia now, observing them, interacting with them, trying to better their futures, still, Munus could not understand his thoughts. He just did not see the reason or logic that Prometheus did. Then again, he did to an extent, but there was no need for these killings or cleansings of sorts. "Prometheus, this makes you as bad as them, as evil and monstrous." Munus was still contemplating on how exactly to argue this, but Prometheus just smirked, "I can not justify my actions I knew that I would be considered as bad as them, but at the same time, I am once again trying to help and save humanity. I want to help them, but they seem to dig their own giant grave. They are so incompetent at even receiving help. They are worthless beings, but I will do what I can for the innocent ones. They deserve a better future if anything. I have seen a lot of bad things in my life, but there is some potential left in very few of the innocent humans..." His voice trailed off, as if he wanted to say more but seemingly he could not bring himself to do so. "I am not going to be able to stop you, am I Prometheus?" The words Munus said rang through the cave, it gave the place a very tense atmosphere. "In simple terms? No. I have been doing this for some time now, it has been the only thing that has decently affected the humans, they have morphed and changed and became smarter from it. So, as long as this change continues, no. I will not stop. I must help them Munus." His response did not even phase Munus as this point, his body just relaxed against the wall. With a huff, he brought himself up to his feet. "Well then brother, I guess this will be our final encounter for another couple millennia. I will check on you whenever I feel the need, just... Don't go killing the world now." Munus began walking out of Prometheus's domain "No promises, but I will try for you." He breathed in, feeling his heartbeat for the first time in some time. "Safe travels brother." A tear actually formed on Prometheus's face. He could not contain his sadness anymore. He had missed Munus. He was so much like a brother to him and not seeing him for another couple millennia hurt him, but he knew it was the right thing to do at the time.So, with a heavy heart, he turned away from his brother, limped over to his couch, and sprawled out onto it, grabbing his thick furs and passing out, extinguishing all the torches along with his consciousness. "Goodbye brother." Munus said quietly, and then departed back home.  

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