from dreams into reality

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Chapter 1: from dreams into reality. The ringing of the phone drowned out the static silence awakening Deamhain from his unnerving, and absolutely pointless sleep. He groggily answered "yeah general Deamhain speaking" "yes , okay. Roger that capt'n". He got up out of his makeshift bed of coats and ripped apart moldy mattresses, he proceeded to get his gear, his divine swords dipped in the old blood and salt holy water solvent he concocted years ago, this solvent had turned the blades a scarlet black.He grabbed his guns both silver bulleted and not, the accursed guns and the ones made specifically for the exorcism of demons, and his multitude of books and bibles of various religions and mythologies. Once he got up, he dusted off his dragon scale armour, he proceeded to get it all on, while doing an incantation to protect himself from evil, he brought out his herbs he had stashed away into his bag, basil sage, and thyme and salt, he begun to burn the basil sage and thyme concoction as he repeated the spell over and over again around himself and the armour. " Talisman, talisman, boundary that cannot be taken away, boundary that the Gods cannot pass, barrier immovable, which is opposed to malevolence! Whether it be a wicked Utuq, a wicked Alal, a wicked Gigim, a wicked god, a wicked Maskim, a phantom, a spectre, a vampire, an incubus, a succubus, a nightmare, may the barrier of the god Ea stop him!"Than he took his jar of lambs blood, and wrote the symbols of the hamasa on the parts of his armour to protect him from any evil, and began performing the spell on himself and the armour he bore. He repeated the spell until he was pleased with the amount of protection he had. He took a long breath, and held the gun close to him, "i ain't dying today, eh.. You hear that you foul demon" he spat as he kicked open the door guns blazing. "I know you're here, i know you are!" he yelled into the desolate and crumbling road and lands that lay before him. Seemingly out of thin air someon- no, something appeared.But unlike what he had said, it was no demon. There was not only one. But it was a monster in the skin of a human. It was the traitor of the scots, though it wasn't rare to find traitors now a days.. It was an old flame that he thought he must extinguish. Bradhadair was his name. "heh well I guess it'll be easier now that I know what you are. Oh great traitor of Scotland" " heh, well i have changed since then..i have changed..much" the traitor said in an eerie tone. He Chuckled lightly, "well, we shall see, Now if you do not wish to have an early and pathetic grave, i suggest raising your sword and be prepared. For surely this will be the last of you" . As the battle raged it was like watching god's bellow out blows like nothing, one would hit the other would return it was a sight to behold for sure. They released their war cries after what seemed like hours fighting and having stalemate after stalemate. The frustration and the tension rose as Deamhain got the upper hand and pinned bradhadair into a corner, "so, you think you will live with a sword through your skull? " the anger and the true murderous tone about it made this man.. Terrifying, even if he was smaller and seemingly less intimidating than most, in moments like these, he is a man that even a god would kneel to.instantaneously , Deamhain took the traitor's sword and proceeded to decapitate him and penetrate his skull with the sword from the bleeding neck upwards to make a head-shish kabob.Fighting the urge to collapse then and there, he rose up from the lifeless and headless corpse lying on the street, he cracked his back and exhaled with absolute exhaustion. He picked up his beaten up and slightly blood splattered phone and dialed the only number he had in his contacts. "Sir, the job has been completed." "Roger that, i will be there shortly". As he hung up and put his phone in his pocket. Something had changed.. He once headless corpse had rose from his empty state, in a blink of the eye, arose pale ashen like smoke. His eyes widened and his heart sank seemingly to his feet as he went cold. Draugr. "Oh, you have to be kidding me" He said with slight panic in his voice. "Oh yes, i am back.. And you will not kill me again insolent fool" the draugr said with a menacing laugh behind it, it echoed in his mind as he tried to grasp this situation. "It has been years since i have dealt with your kind Corpse. You talking is very surprising, this fight will be very interesting". The pale corpse stood, and as it gained speed its body grew massively, leaving a slight blood trail behind it. As soon as the massive corpse stood, Deamhain lunged while he drew his divine sword. The sword shone with a silvery scarlet tone, as he raised it above his head "the sword gram will be your demise demon scum", as he wailed those words, his sword cut through the draugrs body with ease, almost as if it were butter, the corpse began falling apart, as Deamhain continued his assault on the corpse. The corpse did not retaliate at first, but the more his skin started to fall apart due to the cuts from Deamhain, he began his retaliation, the corpse stopped Deamhains sword with his bear hands, and grew larger, to the point where he was towering over Deamhain by an incredible amount. The Draugr took a breath in, and than threw deamhain back, He got up shakily after smacking into a broken wall behind him.Deamhain got up and wiped the blood from his mouth and took a moment to gain enough determination to fight this monster, once more , he got his footing and he lunged for the Dragur with full force, sword at the ready. He swung his sword he aimed for the monsters massive head, and got smacked back once more but with much more force than before. He hacked up a lot of blood, almost vomiting. He could not breath, he could feel his ribs break the more he breathed in.. "Dammit"deamhain said while writhing in pain. The draugr smelled the air, "mmmm demon blood, i can't wait to drink it.." the corpse licked its disgusting lips as he stalked forward towards the unwilling Deamhain, the corpse picked deamhain up with one hand and crushed him slowly, blood spilt out of deamhain running all over the corpses giant hands. The corpse stunk of decaying flesh especially when he opened up his mouth.. And ran his tongue around the blood.. Shivers of disgust ran throughout his body as the corpse bit hinto his leg and attempted to suck the blood from him.. Deamhain was slowly losing consciousness. The blood ran from the monsters mouth and landed all around them.. Deamhain blacked out. When Deamhain awoke, he felt better than normal, but when he looked at himself, it was different. He was covered in blood and ash and the Draugr was now gone. "I have no idea what happened.. But, happy accidents?". As he was about to take his phone out of his pocket, he heard someone come up behind him, he whipped around towards the noise his sword at the ready, "My friend, please sheath your weapon, i am no foe, i pose no threat" the calming voice reassured, he looked and it truly was his friend. "Oh, goodness, Sir Fergus Mac a' Bhàirling", he sheathed his sword and he put out his hand for a greeting, in return Fergus grabbed his hand tightly and brought him in for a light hug with a hearty pat on the back, but Fergus could not muster the strength to do it. "Fergus, sir what is the matter?", at this Fergus grunted and said "I am a mighty scot nothing is wrong with me" in response, Deamhain made Fergus sit down and take a breath, " Now look being a mighty scot or not, you are injured, now i am wondering how my good friend so i can aid you" Demhain breathed in heavily. "Well.." Fergus began to start, "After that draugr got ahold of you, i ran up to try to help you, i thought you were dead.. But you had another trick up your sleeve per usual.. But it was something that was..unexplainable, with majority of your blood lost, and with you blacked out, you stood up with no problem and beat the absolute hell out of the Draugr, you killed him so easily.. It was as if you were not human. It was terrifying. But amazing nonetheless." Deamhain sighed "You tried to help me and you got hurt.. I apologize my old friend, we will get you home in one piece hopefully. Just before we go i have to make a call. " Fergus nodded slightly and began to bandage up some of the bloody gashed riddled on his body, Deamhain made sure he was alright before getting up and walking a couple feet away from him before picking up the phone and calling his Captain.."Hey cap'n, Deamhain reporting in, Sir Fergus as met me on my journey, but unfortunately he is hurt. Do you want me to bring him back to the base captain so he can get healed." The silence and the response shocked him, "Alright, yeah he is right here, i'll pass you to him" He walked over to the injured Fergus, and told him "Captain wants to speak with you". Demhain could see by the look on Fergus's face, that what the captain was saying was disturbing him, maybe fear. But Fergus was not one for fear. He confronted mighty adversaries, he fought many a demons and corrupt deities, he had nothing to fear but death itself, and from the way he was looking as the captain was speaking to him, it was as if he were face to face with a grim reaper. From afar Demhain has stood and watched, and waited. When he was done, the look of despair was written clearly upon his face. "Deamhain, before we go back there is one last thing the captain wants you to do.. But he is going to text you the details.. For now i am to return home, and they are rewarding you Deamhain. You are the next Platoon leader, since that Draugr you killed was the last decent one we had.. You are being appointed as leader, congratulations and godspeed. " he grasped Deamhains hands firmly and gave him a quick hug, and was off on his own. Deamhain had to trust that he would be okay. He held his phone tightly in his hand, the ringer went, so he flipped it open, the text was from their captain, just like Fergus said.. All it said was "Orders to exterminate. " and then some location coordinates. with a heavy sigh and a heavy heart. He knew what this meant..Certain death 

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