prolog the beginning of the end

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The Soldier. The storm raged on, it must have been 3 days since the sun has grazed the lands with its divine light. Even when the storm has ceased, the clouds remain almost like they were plaguing the earth and all inhabitants with misfortune. As the wind howled and light whistling could be heard as it bashed against the window it almost sounded like voices shrieking, "When shall we meet again?In thunder lightning or in rain? "When the hurlyburly's done,When the battle is lost and won, That will be ere set of the son Where the place? Upon the heath. There to meet with Macbeth. I come, graymalkin! Paddock calls. Anon! Fair is foul, and foul is fair:Hover through the fog and filthy air.That moment i swore i was loosing my mind but i looked out my window.. And i swore i saw 3 women standing there. odd.. .my mind It began to ache and bellow as i thought, that it seemed as if, Almost as if the heavens were punishing the humans. The heavens punishing the humans, what a perplexing thought. A laughable thought. Even if there existed such a mystical place why would they want to defile their "Pure and divine" hands with the simple task of punishing the humans. Some questions will never be answered. But.. the rain ceased, and the thunder gone instantaneously...the pitch black clouds which stay consuming the night sky, they only dispersed seemingly to displayThe scintillating scarlet moon which ,shone through the pitch black clouds that seem to be absolutely consuming the evening sky whole. When he looked to the sky it seemed almost if the moon was bleeding.. It was ever so strange. He shrugged it off as nothing and he proceeded to return to his bed, but as he moved he plunged into the crevices of his floorboards,discombobulated and panicked, He began yelling and thrashed about, "Help me" he screamed and pleaded over and over again, but no one ever came. No one could hear him. No one was there.. As he closed his eyes to finally accept his fate. It all stopped. But when he opened his eyes there was nothing. Anywhere, just the darkness, and him. The longer he sat there, there was an instantaneous realization that he couldn't make before, it unnerved him. How did he not notice before...?Right next to him was a corpse like being..wailing, and crying. He tried to get the noises to silence themselves by trying to plead to the being, but nothing seemed to work, so he tried to cancel the noise out. He just couldn't, so the screams remained. The wails stopped as soon as they begun and the 'thing' was gone. But when he went to look for the corpse insisting in his mind that it was not gone, he was horrified to find his dog dead, collapsed in his bedroom, with this mortifying turn of events he sprung for the lights.. But he saw something he could never unsee, On the wall written in blood.. "Commander of the strongest armies of Hell, Supreme Chieftain, Ruler of Hell Hail great Deamhan hail the great ruler hail mighty Deamhan". Behind him stand the corpse like being.. With others, the moment he tried to look away, he was pushed ontop the bloody wall by what seemed like nothing. The repeated the lines, ""Commander of the strongest armies of Hell, Supreme Chieftain, Ruler of Hell, Hail Deamhain, Hail Deamhain hail. " over and over until they began wailing and screaming, the words became unfathomable.The wails, the cries of pain became to unbearable to him. His ears began to bleed profusely. As he held his head, the wails started to fade away, and when he finally opened up his eyes he was back home.. The room was still, no blood, no dead dog, no scarlet moon. "Probably just a dream" he laughed awkwardly.  

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