~Chapter Twenty-Three~

Start from the beginning

'I'm acting like such and idiot! I'm not supposed to make them worry! If Keith, of all people, is asking if I'm ok...then I need to straighten myself out. I need to act happy, I can't let them know I'm having issues.' I think to myself and jump at the feeling of a hand on my own.

I look up and find Keith's face turned away but covered in a red tint, much like my own.

"Look...we're all worried about you. I know you're confused right now, but we need you (Y/n)." He says with a stern yet soft expression and I smile.

"You're right. I'm sorry, everything has just been a huge mess. Is everyone still in the control room?" I ask and he looks to me in confusion but nods.

I stand up and grab his hand. I yank him and we both make our way back to the control room. Upon entering everyone looks to us in surprise and confusion.

"Keith, why did you run off so suddenly-" Lance says then noticed Keith and I holding hands and he freezes.

Before he could begin his rant, I was ready to talk.

"Everyone, I'm so sorry for how I've been acting, but Alfor's hologram told me something before he left." Everyone looks to me in surprise and I release Keith's hand and clear my throat.

"He told me that he knew of my species. That he's met my kind before and said that I must help you but also help myself. Am I really another alien species?" I ask and Allura and Coran look to each other in shock.

"Father said that?" Allura asks and I nod.

Coran rushes over to the console and begins frantically typing, but bangs his hand on the console after a few seconds.

"Coran what's wrong?" Shiro asks and Coran shakes his head.

"I was trying to find the clip of Alfor's speech and thoughts during that time, but everything was deleted. I can't find out what it was." Coran says with a sigh and I look at him with a sad expression.

"No, Coran it's not your fault. It's fine." I say with a smile while patting his shoulder.

"Wait, if we find unique qualities we might be able to distinguish you." Allura says suddenly which surprises me.

"I want everyone who's seen (Y/n) exhibit a unique trait to list them out. Coran will you document them?" Allura says and Coran quickly nods and begins typing again.

"Does having an obsession with (f/f) count?" Pidge asks while nudging me and I look to her with a glare and she laughs.

Hunk then raises his hand and Allura looks to him in confusion as the others do as well.

"Well...wouldn't her magic be an obvious factor?" Hunk says while looking around at us and Allura nods.

"Yes, and her form changing was a factor as well." I freeze at Allura's words and everyone turns to her in confusion that could never match my own.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Form change?" I ask completely dumbfounded and she nods.

"Back on the Balmera. Your form changed." We look at her in shock then the others quickly turn their attention to me.

"You can change form?! Are you like a chameleon?!" Hunk excitedly asks while squishing my cheeks together and looking down at me.

"I don't know what this 'chameleon' is, but her entire form changed. Her skin became almost transparent, she had elongated ears, and her eyes seem to almost glow. As for her powers she obviously has healing properties." Allura describes and I look down at my hands in confusion.

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