The Truth 17

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I wake and turn around to see Caleb smiling at me with his beautiful straight teeth. I still have braces. They suck. But I'm glad I have them. I don't know what's got Caleb so happy today. I smile back. We sit in silence for a few minutes. Then Caleb interrupts the silence with, "wanna go out tonight?"

"You know I can't. But maybe we can eat here tonight."

"Alright. But why can't you?"

"I have to stay on the machines. If I get disconnected they will know. I don't want to risk it. They are barely allowing you in. Sorry."

Later that day.....


"I can figure out a way that we can eat here. I'm gonna see if there's a cafeteria with food. Don't worry I know what you can't have."

"Thanks. I love you Caleb"

"I love you too, Sarah."

I don't like being alone in a room like this. It's lonely most of the time. At least when Caleb's not here. Its always so quiet. I really do love him. He's just so sweet. He will do everything for me. I try to fall asleep. But I can't seem to. I open up a new tab on my IPod and open my wattpad. I start to write another chapter to my story. It's pretty much what I do everyday.

I receive a new message from someone with the username of : darkwriter099. I've never seen someone with that username before. The message reads: hey I know who you are, but you don't know who I am. We'll save that for later. I really love your stories. I hope to hear from you soon.

How does he know who I am. It doesn't make any sense. I want to know how he knows me. I reply with: hello. How do you know me? Because I don't know who you are and I want to know. Do I know you?

He doesn't reply. Right when I get a message from him, Caleb walks through the door with some food. Yay. I'm starving. "Sorry I got lost a couple times. This hospital is pretty big. But I got do,e food for the both of us."

"Thanks. I am pretty hungry." We eat and talk until we finally get tired. We sleep together facing each other.

I wonder what will happen tomorrow.... Will I get a reply from that anonymous guy??


I now this chapter is short... Recently I have been writing a lot more. I hope you have been enjoying this story... This story will be published when It is finished... I hope you like this new chapter... The next one should be up soon....


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