The Truth 9

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My mom tells me the truth. I can see the worry in her eyes. She's probably thinking I won't forgive her.

"You didn't have to be so scared to tell me. Dad already told me."

"What?" she said shocked.

"He sent me this letter."

I hand her the letter under my pillow and tell her to read it. She reads it and responds with, "He said he wasn't ready to tell you. Neither was I."

"Don't worry Mom. I know how to control it. Michael is teaching me."

"How do you know his name?"

"When I was younger you and Dad were talking about someone named Michael and I sorta figured it out on my own."

She looks at me a little worried. She played with her hair. "Oh" was the only thing she could say.

"Is that all you can say? Maybe something helpful like maybe some advice. I know you know more than that. You have kept this from me since the start." I say frustrated.

I can see the guilt in her eyes but she shook her head no.

"No. Sorry." I could tell she was lying to me. She never makes that kind of look. I can tell by her eyes that she is lying. She knows more than she is saying. She has been lying to me from the start.

Her eyes wander around the room, refusing to make eye contact with me. I feel my stomach knot up. This isn't right. She's hiding something big that I need to know.

"Mom, I know you're lying. Just please tell me." Tears stream down her red, rosy cheeks but she still refuses to tell me.

"You're not ready baby girl," she replies. Anger builds inside me and i clench my hands into a fist.

"Dad thinks I'm ready! He's one who told me unlike you. Now tell me," I shout raising my voice. I can see the hurt in my mom's eyes. She was taken back by surprise. She shakes her head no and walks out the door leaving me there alone.

I can't believe she doesn't trust me. I am old enough to be trusted. I just sit there with my hand clenched into a fist. I feel like I may burst into tears. I sit there in anger, hurt, and sadness. Tears blur my vision then I feel the hot tears roll down my face. I scream into my pillow. I see tears smeared all on my beautiful blue pillow.She never trusts me anymore. Why doesn't she understand anymore? I know how to take care of myself. I am not a little kid anymore.

I see the doctor walk into the room. I try to hide my face from him so he doesn't see me crying. I feel like I have done something wrong to my mother. Will I ever know what is really going on with me?


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Will she ever find out who Micheal is? Find out in the next chapter. The next chapter will be uploaded next week.

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