The Truth- 2

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The room was so bright my eyes started to darken as if the light was shined into my eyes. It turns out that the light i was seeing was a computer in a dark room. I have never been into this room before.  It has a computer, a desk, 3 chairs, and the main things that would be in a principal's office. 

I walk into the room and sit on one of the chairs. Mr. Goodrow then starts to ask me questions,"'what was happening while you heard those voices? do you know what triggered them?"

"Slow down i'll answer them one by one." I pause for a second. "Okay. When I started to hear the voices we were doing vocabulary and learning our words for the week."

"Okay. What else?" he asks.

I try to figure out what triggered the attack. I don't know what could've triggered it. I start to drift off into a trance. I feel like i am trapped in a glass cube. I can barely breathe. I start to gasp for air. I notice that i am starting to feel weak and I loose my grip to my arm which feels broken. I start to scream. I open my eyes and see myself still in the office with the principal. I then stop screaming. They just stare at me. 

I look at them suspiciously, like they know what could be going on.

“What?! What aren’t you telling me?” I ask almost screaming. They are hiding something from me. I can tell by their facial expressions.

Mr. Goodrow stares at me, confused. All of a sudden, my arm feels like it is really broken. I start to feel like I’m going to cry. I feel a huge wave of pain down my arm. It feels as if it’s on fire. I fall to the floor with tears in my eyes about to come down my face. I can hear Mr. Goodrow calling my name. I can never understand why this is happening to me.  My vision clears up and I see Mr. Goodrow over me with a worried expression and  he kindly  helps me up to my feet.  I rub my arm where I felt the pain. It was red and irritated but it wasn’t in extreme pain.

“Sarah, are you alright,” he asks concerned. I stare at him scared to say anything but I manage to stutter a few words.

“M-my arm. It feels broken. “ He stares at me blankly and bewildered.  He shakes his head and examines my arm. He holds it up to see it was swollen and red. He couldn’t believe his eyes.

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