The Truth 15

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I run into the corner of the room and cry. Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to say that yet. My mom is probably mad at me now. I should just talk to her about instead of worrying about it. I'm not sure what to do now.

Caleb comes running after me. He rubs my back while he hugs me until I stop crying. When I'm finally calm he asks me,"do you want to talk?" I nod in response. I was afraid that he wouldn't like me after what happened. I close my eyes and I feel his warm lips touch mine. I wasn't a simple kiss. I felt like I was in a dream. It felt unreal. Fake. Like it was all a dream. Something interrupts the kiss,"I love you." I felt like I was gonna scream. I didn't know he loved me as much as I love him. We'll I know now. The words just slip out of my mouth,"I love you too."

I feel my moms eyes staring at us. I don't think she cares if I kiss a guy. She sure doesn't care If I have a boyfriend. I need one anyway. I'm almost fifteen. "Do you know that my birthday is on the 28th of this month?"

"No. Happy early birthday Sarah! Are you gonna have a party?"

"Of course. Just because I'm in a hospital doesn't mean I won't have a party. I just need help with the invitations. Will you give them go my friends so they can give them to my other friends?"

"Okay I can help with that." My mom and dad walk out of the room so we have the room to ourselves. "Do you want to stay here tonight?" I ask him.

"Sure. I don't really have anything else to do."

We lay on my bed and talk. I don't remember what we talked about. All I remember is that he told that he also loves PewDiePie. We found out many thing we have in common.

Later that night, I wake from a nightmare screaming and crying. Caleb calms me by saying encouraging words to me softly in my ear. When I am finally calm, I ask him," do you want to be my boyfriend?" He nods in excitement.

"I never thought you would ask me that. Yes, I will be your boyfriend." He ends up sleeping with me in my bed. We sleep like a baby.


I hope you are enjoy thing this story. I wrote two chapters during school. I got really bored. When I get bored it's easier for me to get great ideas. So that's when I normally write my best. Vote, Comment, and Follow!!!


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