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f r a n n y

Silence is one of the most terrifying things ever; for me at least.
I hate being alone in the dark surrounded by nothing by silence, not knowing what lives in the dark watching you. But now, for once I desperately need to be alone.. in the silence.

I can't help it when my stomach drops when I see a dark car pulling next to me, and even though it's near from where I am standing I don't see her face. The car's windows are black. I take a deep breath instantly regretting ever agreeing about coming to see her.

Fixing my eyes on the car, I gulp when I notice the locked doors became unlocked and someone steps out of it.

It is diana.

Of course it's her. Her eyes finds mine and I notice a cigarette between her skinny boney fingers holding it next to her red lips. She takes the cigarette to her lips sucking onto it. And I immediately scrunch my nose in disgust. Pulling my beanie down; for some reason it gives me a sense of comfort, or maybe it is just a habit I happen to have. I shake my head and find myself looking around me before I make my way to her. It has to be done. Now.

I feel an uneasy feeling in my chest but it seems like it is only because when I look at Diana I find her smirking, before stomping on the cigarette and coming closer to where I am standing.

It feels so wrong.

"Francisca," she whispers, her eyes boring into mine rather creepily, and it feels so familiar, but also unfamiliar. I can't explain it excatly. It is just weird, unusual but also I feel a sense of deju vu.

"What do you want, Diana?" I say and even though I am angry, devastated, and scared I don't let it show. She gives me an amused look, before acting as if she is thinking about something.

"Some money." She says back, her stupid smirk on her lips, I move forward getting a better view of her. Last time I saw her she was a fucked up eighteen year old sick teenage girl. Now she has grown, she is now twenty one. A bit skinner, her shiny long black hair is now dyed strawberry blonde and cut into a short bob. Her blue eyes seems brighter and she looks way mature than the last time I saw her. It is almost as if she's fully changed into someone else.

"Stop." I pathetically say, not looking into her eyes and avoiding any conact with her. "I don't wanna play these games with you. Now tell me what the hell do you want," I tell her before bringing my gaze to her cold blue eyes, she is amused. I know she is. I glare at her pathetically.

She chuckles then raises an eyebrow. And I know she is having fun watching my squirm. She likes seeing me like this; pathetic, always losing my temper.

"Well, Franny, you've become mature. You know how to be a bitch! Isn't that something that will make your sister proud?" She asks or more like states laughing as she throws her head backward, the moon's light is glowing on her skin. Suddenly Her hands slips behind my back, I want nothing but to slip out of her grasp. She hugs me tightly while bitterly laughing. The wind blows on my face harshly as if it is mocking my stupidity. I feel my eyes water as I squeeze them shut.

After a few failing attempts, I angrily push her away. She steps backward while shuffling around in the field losing her balance, she then straightened up and She stares at me then says

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