Chapter 3

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"Your humble servant is here, your highness."

Jungkook gasped. 'Your highness?' The raven haired male immediately hid himself beneath the walls.

The tall man twisted the door knob carefully and went inside with a loud squeak coming from the wooden doors. Jungkook peeked again, internally sighing in relief that he was not caught. But what's that about 'your highness' thing? He asked himself but nothing comes into his mind.

Was there someone inside that he was not supposed to see? Or worse, what if it is not a person?

Jungkook slapped his head, making a small noise. He sure was close to evolving from intelligent to crazy.

'Princess Jin, that's what almost all the citizens of South Korea call the beautiful young man in the restricted area beneath the glass walls of Korea's national museum.'

"No way." Jungkook gasped. "It's not possible. That's not true. He's lying."

'Some even says that he wakes up every night to eat people's heart and to scare them away so they won't end up like him.'

"What the actual fuck, Kim Taehyung?" Jungkook whacked his head one more time. He refused to acknowledge that baseless and groundless thoughts. He knows better than this. There's negative zero possibility that his colleague was actually saying the truth and there's a hundred percent chance that his logic would win over this situation.

But Jungkook won't go. Yet. He's sure that if he just leave this place, it will bother him the whole day. He wants to witness what's the 'thing' inside that room. Who knows, he might score big if that guy is suffering from delusions and there's a big drug dealing going on inside that room, right?

Fat chance.

Jungkook waited for approximately ten minutes. He forgot to bring his wrist watch so his counting every second that passed. One more minute and he'll get out of that museum he said and was about to leave when the door opened for the second time. Jungkook ran over his hiding place.

The same man walked outside but he had a grim expression on his face, even bowing ninety degrees before finally exiting the place with him not even bothering about the sound of his heels echoing around the whole place. Jungkook watched closely and when he heard a small sound coming from the main entrance, he freely walked towards the tall doors.

The wind brushing over the prosecutor's face is quite chilly but the atmosphere in this space is more than freezing. It was as if someone placed an imaginary aircon around the doors. Then random thoughts crossed his mind.

'I never heard any noise from inside, it looks like no one's there. But the way that man knocked...'

Jungkook remembered that man's movements from earlier. The prosecutor duplicated the man's actions and he too knocked three times. But he never spoke anything. Just like the man earlier, he got no response but he desired to play with fire.

He turned the door knob and opened the door.

The sight that greeted Jungkook was nothing special, aside from some traditional paintings hanging on the wall. The paintings are most likely made by ink and brush and judging from the still white paper, they used some chemicals to preserve the paper and avoid it from crumpling or rotting.

But why is it placed here? Where no one is even allowed to see it.

And Jungkook might be an expert in law but he remembered every art piece he saw ever since he was born. And never once had he seen those pieces even once.

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