In with Gold and Out with a Bang

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Two sisters were asleep quietly after their birthday party, the twins Elena and Isabelle Lived were tired after such party on their backyard; just by seeing them it was hard to believe they were turning just 14 years old. As odd as it may seem, the supposed identical twins had actually inherited different physical qualities; such was Elena was blond and had milky bluish eyes that resembled that of the sky as for Isabelle had a brown hair and deep blue eyes that resembled the sea. 

It was the night of June 9 of 2073; and as tired as they were they next morning would prove them that a simple party is, as it truly was, child's play to what's to come for them. 

So is said now that they are awake! ***imagine me looking surprised and rushed over***. Both sisters were already up and running to school to reach the first class early. -Hurry the hell up Izzy! We're going to be late! - shouted Elena, the responsible of both sisters and what is known to be "prodigy" one.

-Stop telling me what to do, damn it! - shouted back Isabelle who had as many qualities as Elena as for capacities; but all of her potential was only matched by her bad attitude. - And don't blame this on me! You're the one who didn't set up the alarm you idiot! - shouted Isabelle proving my point therefore of hr attitude. 

-No one's blaming anybody just hurry! - shouted Elena tired of her sisters acusations. 

Both girls hurried over to school and as they reached the classroom the whole class just kept staring at them quietly; both stood at the door uncomfortable and befuddled of everybody's attention straight at them. Isabelle gave step forward and smiled at the group confident; - We were just a little late, there's nothing at all to show that face you guys - said Isabelle as carefree as always. 

-Well then I suppose you didn't took the bus like the rest of them did you Izzy?- said the teacher standing right behind them. 

They both turned around ashamed and embarrassed; the teacher looked at them with a warm smile and gave a pat on their backs - worry not for this delayment girls, after all I wouldn't want my two favourite students to miss my class any of this days - said the teacher kindly and taking things incredibly good. 

A few classes later in their launch break, Isabelle was hanging around showing off to her friends as usual of her "acrobatic abilities" yet she was still a bum on that and some of her so called "friends" were mere laughing at her. Meanwhile Elena was sitting under a tree reading a book until one of her friends showed up happy to see her. - Hi Elena, that was a nice party your mom threw at you guys, eh? - said Trish a juvenile as always, Elena said nothing to that, she could only smile and nod with her head slightly as kind as she is. 

-Come on Elena! even you as the bookworm you are must've had some fun there, right? - said Trish sort of tired of her shyness. Elena sighed and put the book down - Well is not that i didn't had fun but it wasn't anything special; I mean your party was cool as hell Trish - said Elena with almost no emotion at all. -Are you okay? you don't really sound like yourself - asked Trish worrying about her; - I don't know I... I woke up with this weird feeling like... ahmm... - said Elena looking for a word to express herself yet Trish still couldn't figure out what it was. 

- Like something had changed... - said Elena softly in a thoughtful voice. (What an introduction, huh? let's see what happens next said the sexy and no narcissistic at all author of this story) Trish merely chuckled at her in befuddlement and looked at her - what do you mean? - asked Trish still confused about whatever Elena was talking about. -Well I had a very odd dream last night - said Elena still out of herself. As Trish asked what was it about Elena looked away with her eyes set on the clouds and could only say one word "swords". Trish laid her head on Elena's lap and looked at her in the eyes (and no, there's no porn in this people so don't expect anything perv to happen). -I hear you- said Trish in a childish calmed voice; Elena took a deep breath and said "oh well..." 

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