How the Legend Kids Saved Christmas

Start from the beginning

"The horror!" Ethan gasped dramatically.

Catriona shrugged, not really caring. "Actually, my family doesn't celebrate Christmas, but I got the coolest stuff for Hanukkah."

Everyone looked at her. She looked back at them. "I mean, I'm with you guys," she said quickly. "Boo. No Christmas."

Laurel leaned on the wall. "Anyway," she said. "We're going to help the jolly man in the red suit save Christmas in Central City!"

"Um, you do know he's not -"

Ethan's sentence was cut short, when the Flash zipped into the room with a gust of wind and yellow lightening.

"Oh," Ethan said. "That jolly man in the red suit."

The Flash waved. "Hey guys!" He had a massive bag of presents slung over his shoulder, the way Santa Clause was depicted.

He put the bag down, and Laurel started sorting through the gifts. They were already wrapped and labeled with a child's name on it, along with an address to which the presents needed to be delivered.

"Where did these come from?" Ryan asked.

"Uh...the future?" Barry shrugged.

"Oh! Cool!"

"Okay, gang!" Laurel said. "We'll take the Waverider and deliver presents to the kids on the east and west sides of Central City. And Flashy here will take the north and south sides of Central City!"

"Okay! Let's do this shiz!" Ben yelled, grabbing a box and running out the door.

The Legend Kids stood in front of the Waverider, bundled up in their coats and scarves, as snow sprinkled down on them

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The Legend Kids stood in front of the Waverider, bundled up in their coats and scarves, as snow sprinkled down on them.

"Um, I know you Snarts have a thing for the cold," JJ said. "But some of us prefer not to freeze to death. So, why are we just standing here waiting to get hypothermia? Let's go in!"

"But you haven't seen the coolest feature yet!" Laurel grinned, taking out a remote.

"Oh gosh..." Catriona groaned. "What does that do?"

In response, Laurel pressed a button on the remote. Within seconds, the Waverider was transformed into a big, red sleigh.

"Oh my, jeez," Ben grinned. "That's great!"

"Right?!" Laurel grinned back.

Kaleb dumped their bag of presents into the back of the sleigh and climbed in. "What about the reindeer?" he asked.

Laurel pressed another button on her remote, and the sleigh projected holographic images of twenty reindeer pulling the sleigh.

"Sweet!" Ryan grinned, climbing in next  to his boyfriend. The others followed his example, and once everyone was settled comfortablely, they took to the sky!

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