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     The Sun was shining that day in the stormlands, Raya believed that it signified the fact that Renly's army was the Knights Of Summer whilst Winter Is Coming. Even though Raya hated the man for what he had done; running away like a Craven, she knew they needed him and she would have to make peace...

     As Raya and her Mother was lead by soldiers to where Renly was, she saw that they were watching soldiers fight for fun. This was supposed to be war, what were they doing? Raya wanted to speak out against it but Catelyn gave her daughter a stern look of disapproval.

     The two Stark women stood out with the crowd watching the fight in silence, it was a man who's armor was familiar which was the Tyrell and a soldier who had the sigil of House Tarth. The fight seemed to be leaning towards the Tarth Soldier.

     Raya looked away from the fight and found Renly Baratheon, he had a crown on and armor that made him look bigger which he was not for sure. Next to him was a girl who looked the same age as Raya, she had auburn brown hair and big brown eyes, she was very beautiful even Raya thought that. She was the kind of girl that made girl's swoon as well as she could tell.

     Raya watched as the Knight Of Flowers was thrown to the ground, the girl seemed disappointed as she sat back down after once cheering for him. The Tarth Knight pulled a small dagger and he put his hands up in surrender.

     "I yield," Loras Tyrell's voice was clear when he spoke.

     The Tarth Knight stood up after Sir Loras had yielded, Renly watched the Knight as he spoke, "well fought," he complimented, "approach."

      Raya clenched her teeth, he talked like a King but he wasn't right, he may inspire love but he is no soldier... 

     The Tarth Knight kneeled before him, "rise, remove your helm."

     Raya watched in shock as the Tarth Knight removed the helm and revealed to be a woman and Raya's shocked look soon became a smile as she liked thought of a Woman being a strong soldier. 

     "You are all your father promised and more, My Lady," Renly told her, "I've seen Sir Loras bested once or twice, never quite in that fashion."

     Finally, the girl speaks, "now, now, my Love, my brother fought valiantly for you."

      Raya realized that the girl was a Tyrell and was Renly's wife and the Queen, of course, they'd marry a Tyrell to him...

      "That he did, My Queen," Renly agreed, "but there can only be one champion, Brienne of Tarth, you may ask anything of me as you desire. If it is in my power, it is yours."

      Raya crossed her arms waiting for what was about to happen, what would the Female Knight ask for? 

      Brienne of Tarth kneeled once again, "Your Grace, I ask the honor of a place in your Kingsguard," a lot of people gasped at her words, even Raya's mouth dropped for a second, not even Robb had a Kingsguard yet, "I will be one of your seven, pledge my life to yours, and keep you safe from all harm."

     Everyone awaited the 'King's answer finally Renly smiled and spoke again, "done! Rise, Brienne of the Kingsguard!" as he started to clap and Brienne stood, Raya decided she deserved the applause and clapped as well, many joined in as well.

      Finally, it was time for Catelyn and Raya to be announced, the soldier stepped up and so did Catelyn and Raya.

     "Your Grace, I have the honor to bring you Lady Catelyn Stark sent as an envoy for her son; Robb, Lord of Winterfell-"

     "Lord of Winterfell and King In The North," Catelyn finished for him.

      Some of the Stormland soldiers whispered in disagreement on that as the Soldier continued, "and her daughter and the Northern King's sister; Raya Stark."

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