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     Raya sat up in a fright, she looked around, where was she? This wasn't her camp... She stood up, stumbling a bit as she did. She then heard yelling, she turned and saw Lord Bolton and Ace standing there, they were arguing. 

      Raya walked over hoping they'd tell her where she was when suddenly she saw a man with Lannister armor sneaking up behind Ace!

       "Ace!" Raya yelled when suddenly Ace was stabbed in the back, he fell the ground holding his chest as he bled out and Lord Bolton disappeared and so did the soldier...

      It was only them, she ran over to him and fell to the ground and pulled him on her lap trying to help him when she realized this was a dream... She saw his death... She stood up and backed away...

      "No..." She whispered, she has to stop it, "wake up... Wake up... WAKE UP!"

     Suddenly Raya woke up, her ears were ringing and she sat up, she saw fire... The tents were on fire and the clashing of swords... The Lannisters were attacking. She pulled herself to her feet. 

      Raya grabbed her bow and her arrows that were with her at the campfire, suddenly someone tackled her on the ground! She struggled against the soldier when suddenly a sword went through his skull! 

      She pushed the body off of her and saw Lord Bolton standing over her, at first she was worried he'd kill her with how he was holding his sword when he put it in its Sheath before he put out his hand to help her up. 

      Raya took the Lord's hand and she stood up...

      "Lannisters attacked us, the set fire to the tents and they caught us by surprise but we can take them," Lord Bolton told her.

      "Hopefully," Raya agreed as she remembered Ace, "where is Sir Ace? Have you seen him?" she asked.

      "I haven't, My Lady," he shook his head.

       Raya cursed under breath as she put her bow on her back, she grabbed the sword from the dead body, "we need to push them back, take them out, we can do this," Raya told him.

      "Agreed," Lord Bolton said as he pulled his sword.

      Raya Stark fought side-by-side with Roose Bolton, an unlikely duo that worked pretty well as the two were in sync. When one was struggling the other would help out, it was going pretty well and soon the men were fighting as well. Raya was starting to notice that it was just Bolton men... Where are Ace and his men?


      Both of them turned to the yelling and saw the Lannister General standing there with the last of his men... He had maybe 20 men left. 

      "You can't win this fight," Lord Bolton told him ready to attack.

       "Maybe we can, haven't you heard 20 good men can take out 200 men?" The General asked before doing a signal with his hand and Raya's heart dropped when she saw two of his soldiers bring out Ace, he was beaten up and blood was running down his face...

       "Your all gonna die, that is the price of Starks and whoever supports them, just like this man here," the general told them as he raised a dagger.

      Raya pulled her bow and was ready to shoot, she aimed, "put the dagger down or I will shoot you!" She hissed.

      Suddenly when she spoke some of the Bolton men who got behind them attacked, Ace took his chance and headbutted the first man holding him and got his sword and stabbed the second! Raya shot at the General but he dodged, she knew that she should kill him herself. They can't leave any alive.

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