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"Father, Smith, Warrior,"

     Raya ran through the woods frantically,

"Mother, Maiden, Crome,"

      She was lost, what was happening? Where is Robb? Where is her Mother? As she ran she heard voices, familiar ones but she couldn't place them.

"I am his,"

"as she is mine,"

      Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her, Raya stopped in her place and slowly turned...

"From this day until the end of my days."

      Raya turned but before she could see who or what was behind her when a knife slit her throat and she let out one scream before life fled from her...

      Raya woke up in a fright, she was sweating and panting horribly... She realized it was just a dream but something about it seemed so real... What was it? She had dreamed of her Father's death and it happened. But that doesn't mean that the dream she had just had would come true... Would it?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

       Raya Stark stood next to her twin brother; Robb Stark, the King In The North... Together they were rulers and everyone knew it. Everyone but them. Raya kept Robb in line, she made sure he didn't make a mistake whilst Robb kept Raya from falling apart. 

      Raya had been having the night terrors again but not the same as the ones that could come true, not like what she had dreamed of last night... She would see her Father up with those horrible people, him telling her it's her fault before the sword swung down and the birds flew... 

      It happens every night and Robb always is there to help her through it... But, deep down, Raya has a feeling that this won't last forever. Nothing last forever.

      Raya also hears the whispers of the Northern troops, some say that she has more sense than Robb Stark and some of the Northern Lords are the same way. Some of them say that she would be a better ruler than Robb. 

       Raya doesn't listen to them and makes sure that Robb doesn't listen to the whispers but she is worried that one day he will listen to them...

     "Your Grace," Robb and Raya simultaneously on total accident look at whoever said that to see Roose Bolton standing there, "we have word of a small Lannister force attacking villages at the neck. It shouldn't take more than a couple hundred to take them out. I could take some of my men if it would please you."

     Robb seemed to be thinking about it before he looked at Raya as if he had an idea, "you may do it but my sister will join you in leading them," Robb suddenly said making Raya look at him in shock, "you will listen to her commands and no questioning her judgment."

      "Yes, Your Grace," Roose nodded.

      "Robb, are you sure? I mean, there is probably more capable people," Raya tried because she didn't think she could lead men.

      Robb turned to her, "I am, you have the capability to do so, you always have. Now, you will leave in an hour, I suppose it will only take a Fortnight, give or take."

      "Yeah, most likely," Raya nodded before adding, "Your Grace." 

      Raya bowed her head sarcastically making Robb roll his eyes before she left to go get her own garrison of men to add the Bolton garrison. She had men loyal to her from the Vale, ones that left Lysa Arryn to join Ace, Ace told her that he will follow her anywhere and she likes his loyalty, she also likes his company, he is very kind. 

       Raya came to where Ace was, he was with his Garrison of men who were talking amongst themselves, some were joking around making the others laugh. The thing was, Raya knew that they were loyal to Ace and Ace was loyal to her, if anything were to happen to her, Robb would lose them. She needs to figure out how to fix that problem.

      "Raya," Ace greeted when he saw her approach, "what brings you to our corner?"

      "My Lady," the other men greeted as well.

     Raya took a seat next to Ace, surprising some of his men but they smiled as they welcomed her and one of the men handed her some ale. She gladly took it and drunk it down like a true Northerner. 

     "We have a small Lannister force attacking peaceful villages at the Neck, Robb wants me to help lead the Bolton force going to fix it," Raya explained but was cut off by Ace.

     "By yourself?" Ace asked as if it was a stupid idea and Raya nodded making him shake his head, "I don't think that Bolton Lord is trustworthy, you do know the history of the Kings In The North? The Boltons fought against the Stark Kings."

      "It's a different time," Raya said but he shook his head, "well, I'm here because I would feel better if I had you there with me."

      "I told you, I'm following you everywhere, that wasn't a lie," Ace replied as he put down his cup before looking at his men, "you guys can stay, I won't force you to come."

      "Really, Ace?" One of the men asked, "we're in this together and if the Wolf Girl wants us there, we're going." His words made the rest of the men nod and agree.

      Raya smiled gratefully at them, "it shouldn't take longer than a Fortnight."

       "When are we leaving?" Ace asked.

       "An hour," Raya answered.

       Ace stood up, "well we should go get ready then, shouldn't we? Get your stuff and your horses, we leave in an hour." He ordered his men and they all scrambled to their feet to go do what he said.

      Once Ace and Raya were left alone, he looked at her worriedly, "are you okay?" he asked and she looked at him confused, "its just you have bags under your eyes."

      "Oh," Raya smiled at him, "I'm fine, just a nightmare."

       "What about?" Ace became very interested when she said 'Nightmare'.

      Raya pursed her lips before telling him: "I was running in the woods, I heard voices, resighting a marriage, the voices were very familiar but I couldn't place them. I stopped running when I heard someone behind me, I tried to look but my throat was slit before I could."

      "You saw your death..." Ace said sourly.

      "It was a dream," Raya retorted.

       Ace seemed like he wanted to tell her something but shook it off, "go get ready, I'll meet you when its time to leave," and with that, he left.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      Raya got dressed in a new outfit, and got her stuff together, she attached her Quiver on her hip and she put her bow on her back. She walked over to the Bolton/Vale forces, she saw Roose Bolton and she greeted him as she got on her horse.

      "Are you ready, My Lady?" Lord Bolton asked.

      Raya cringed at him calling her 'My Lady' she didn't feel like a Lady anymore. She was a warrior in Robb's army, nothing else. But she didn't want to argue at the moment so she just nodded.

      "I am," Raya nodded before looking at the stern Northern Lord, "are you, My Lord?"

      Roose Bolton lips went from a thin line to a small smirk, "after you, My Lady."

       Raya was going to fire back but Ace nudged her making her knock out of it, and started riding forward and they followed her...

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