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     About two weeks later, Winterfell was STILL rivaled with the news of the King was on his way with his family... So, Catelyn was trying to get Winterfell ready for it and Raya was sitting on the stairs watching her mother while her dark-haired pup sat next to her. She had named the pup; Raven because of the fur color. She watched as her mother ordered people around...

        "We need plenty of candles for Lord Tyrion's chamber," Catelyn explained to the maester, "I'm told he reads all night."

        Maester Luwin grasped a large list of duties for them to finish before that afternoon. "I'm told he drinks all night," he said as he nodded at Catelyn and Raya tilted her head at the name.

        "How much could he possibly drink? A man of his ... stature." Catelyn wondered.

        Raya had heard of Tyrion Lannister a bit, he was the Dwarf of the Lannister children. Rumors that Tywin Lannister hates his son but who knows if that is true... 

        "We've brought up eight barrels of ale from the cellar." Maester Luwin answered. "Perhaps we'll find out."

        "Mother," Raya spoke up and her mother turned to her, "why exactly is the King traveling here? I don't understand..." She admitted as she looked at her.

        "Oh right, I forgot that we didn't tell you all the details," Mother sighed as she looked at her eldest daughter, "the Hand of the King, Jon Arryn, has died of a fever. Our king, Robert Baratheon, now rides for Winterfell to offer this title to your Father. They arrive sometime later today."

        "Later today? Why today? I thought we were sent that raven a week ago, I thought it takes a month to ride here," She asked becoming more and more confused by this.

        Raven raised her head at her name but then she realized it wasn't about her and she just went back to whatever she was doing.

        "It was sent late, they've been riding for a month now," Catelyn answered, "go get dressed. You need to be ready for when they arrive and be on your best behavior."

        "Hmm, I guess I will try..." Raya said and noticed her mother's cold look, "fine, fine. I will be on my best behavior." 

        "Good, now, go get ready!" Catelyn ordered.

        Raya nodded and ventured to her rooms as Raven trotted behind her...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Everyone was out waiting on the outside of Winterfell as the King and his company were quite literally at their gates. The Stark family stood in front. The line went Rickon because he is always by his Mother's side, then Catelyn and Ned because they were the heads of this house, then Robb and Raya since they were the firstborns, then Sansa because she is the second born, then Bran. Raya wore a dark greenish blue dress with a matching cloak. The one and only problem were, where in seven hells is Arya?

        Catelyn noticed Arya missing from the line, "where is Arya? Raya, Sansa, where is your sister?" she asked looking at the two girls who stood next to each other and they both just shrugged at the same time.

        Riders started to come through the gates with the Baratheon and Lannister banners. A man wearing glittering golden armor rode in on a white stallion.

     Arya finally showed up and tried to go past her parents wearing a helm but Ned caught her before she could get away. "What are you doing with that on?" Ned asked his daughter before removing the helm and as she pushed Bran aside and got in line and Ned gave the helm to Sir Rodrick.

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