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      The small village that was supposed to be quiet and nice was on fire, literal fire. The Houses were up in flames as people screamed trying to run for their lives as Soldiers massacred them ruthlessly as they held the Sigil of House Lannister. 

       Two children; twins, a boy and a girl, both the ages of Eleven-Years-Old were hiding from the horrible events but they both knew they couldn't stay there... 

      "What do we do? Mummy and Daddy!" The girl asked.

     The boy looked around and settled for the woods, "we have to run into the forest, it's our only hope."

     "T-The Forest? Mummy and Daddy say not to go in there, that there is a pack of wolves that will kill us!" The Girl told her brother.

     "If stay we will die," The Boy finished simply, "we'll run on the count of three, okay?"

     The Girl was frightened but knew he was right, she gathered up her courage, "okay," she nodded agreeing with his plan.

      "Good," the Boy started to count, "one... Two... Three-"

      He was cut off by an arrow hitting him in the shoulder and another hitting him in the leg! He hit the wall and screamed in pain and his sister clutched his side, he saw Soldiers coming their way with swords, "run!" 

      "What? I can't leave you!" The Girl shook her head.

      "Run, now, RUN!" The Boy pushed her away from him, "I love you, Sister, please run!"

      The Girl frowned sadly as tears welled up in her eyes, "I love you too," she ran to the forest but was cut off by Soldiers on horses, she turned and started to run the other way more into what used to be her village suddenly she was pushed to the ground and a sword pointed at her! The Soldier went to swing and the Girl screamed shielding herself with her arms but then nothing happened...

      She looked up and saw a woman on a horse riding over and shoot the soldier in the chest with a silver arrow! The same woman jumped off her horse and hit another soldier running towards her with her bow and then stabbed him with an arrow! The Woman yelled attack and a bunch of soldiers bearing the Stark sigil came in attacking the Lannisters!

      The Woman had dark brown hair that had a red tint, she had stormy grey eyes, and wore a battle outfit. On the outfit was the sigil of a Direwolf which the Young Girl realized she must be the Stark girl that she had heard of, the Daughter who fights like a Direwolf.

      The Young Girl scrambled to her feet and ran to take cover from the battle, she was in mourning of her brother but she couldn't die with him. That was when someone grabbed her by the hair and she saw a sword coming for her when suddenly something big jumped out and tackled the Soldier who tried to kill her! 

      When the Girl looked and saw a huge wolf attack the soldier if that Woman is a Stark... That means that this is a Direwolf! The girl shuffled to her feet and hid behind a cart with the Battle still visible enough for her to watch, but she didn't want to see it so she pulled her knees to her chest and shielded her face...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

     Once the first battle was won, Raya put her bow back on her back and looked around, she saw bodies... So many bodies of innocent people. It made her sick, what kind of monsters do this?

     That was when Raya saw a little girl hiding behind a cart, she had her knees pulled up to her chest, she was shaking and crying... The girl seemed to be Bran's age. 

     "Hey," Raya asked in a soothing voice as she kneeled down, she put out her hand and touched the girl's arm softly but the girl shrieked and looked up in fright, "hey, its okay, I'm not going to hurt you... What's your name?"

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