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      They had ridden for several days, only stopping for a day or two before riding again. When they were at the Neck of the North, they stopped. They were camped near the place where Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar Targaryen fought and where the Dragon Prince was killed. It's a pretty remarkable place in history.

       Raya loved the History of Westeros, especially the war that is called 'Robert's Rebellion' the war that wiped out the Targaryens. Raya always wondered what happened to the Mad Kings last two children; a boy of seven named Viserys who should be Twenty-Four years of age now and a baby girl that was named Daenerys who should be Raya's age now. She wondered if they are alive...

        Raya was snapped out of her thoughts by Sansa who was standing in front of her, "Raya!" she asked again for the third time and this time, she got her older sister's attention. Sansa sighed in relief.

       "What is it, Sansa?" Raya asked looking at the girl.

        "The Queen invited us to ride in their carriage," Sansa answered looking excited, "I was sent to tell you and Arya." 

        "Where is Arya?" Raya asked as she looked around for their wild little sister.

        "I don't know, I was hoping she was with you," Sansa shrugged.

        "Knowing her, she is out riding or something wild like that," Raya said as she faced Sansa, "when are we supposed to go on this carriage ride?" she asked.

     "In 30 minutes time," Sansa answered.

     "Okay, we should get going then, right?" Raya wiped her outfit clean and went to go but Sansa stopped her, "what?"

      "Wearing that?" Sansa asked and Raya gave her sister a look, "I'm just saying. It's not very ladylike." she told her.

      "Fine, I'll go change into a dress, will that make you happy?" Raya asked and Sansa nodded happily, "okay, let's go."

       Raya walked over to her tent while Sansa followed her, as they went into her tent, she saw Raven laying there asleep, Raya just shrugged as she looked at Sansa.

       "Where is Lady?" Raya asked her.

        "Oh, I'll go get her," Sansa said as she turned and left before Raya could argue, Raya knew that Sansa was like that, always trying to be her older sister's favorite. She is jealous that Arya gets along better with Raya than her...

        Raya dressed in one of her only loose dresses, one that doesn't need a corset. She'll be in corsets soon enough. Just not now. She had made the dress herself, she added the patch on the side of the belt and the ends of the sleeves made of fabrics. She loved how the dress turned out.

      Raya stepped outside, Raven had woken up and now was following her, as she stepped outside, she saw Sansa walking this way with Lady who was on a leash. Raya had to restrain herself from yelling at her sister for doing that. Their Direwolves are very loyal...

      "Wow," Sansa said as she looked at her older sister, "you look... Beautiful." Sansa couldn't help but feel jealous. Raya was so beautiful, way more beautiful than her. Even though she is the one marrying Joffrey, she couldn't help but feel like anyone would choose Raya over her. 

      "Do I look good?" Raya asked as she twirled around.

      Raya's hair was in an up-down, half of it was in a northern braid and the other half was down on her shoulders. Sansa has always tried to copy her sister's looks or at least her hair, she had her hair in the same do. 

The Wolf Girl II Game Of Thrones IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora