''Someday the cold rain will become warm tears''

Start from the beginning

'' Chen JaeHyun what do you have to say to this?'' BoA asked amused.

'' Well I did think about doing dance..'' JaeHyun started with a smirk and then looked at SeungWoo who was already looking at him.

'' And I might just have made my decision'' making the trainees oooh and BoA too.

''Alright ket's start with 1st place Maroo Park JiHoon, please enter the path of choice'' BoA said and JiHoon made his way behind the walls. And to it continued with Samuel who was 2de place and JiSung who was 3de.

'' 4th place Chen JaeHyun, please enter'' BoA said but before he could fully enter she asked ''Have you decided?'' JaeHyun nodded before entering.

'' I'm a bit torn'' JaeHyun said while looking at the table with all the different songs.

'' Should I do dance or vocal?!'' he ruffled his own hair in frustration but in the end he took a sign but the camera blurred out the title. As JaeHyun entered where those who had already chosen he stared at the dance station to see that both JiHoon and Samuel had chosen Get ugly.

''You too?'' Samuel mouthed in english wile pointing at his Get ugly sign.

JaeHyun decided to tease them and stared to walk in their direction to which JiHoon and Samuel started cheering but when he was right in front of them he made a sharp turn and ran to JiSung and jumped on him. '' Are you with me?'' A shocked JiSung asked when JaeHyun had stopped hugging him.

JaeHyun only nodded with a big smile while JiHoon and Samuel whined that he wasn't with them but JaeHyun stood happily in front of the DownPour station. One after one the trainees filled in. What made JaeHyun laugh was that Daniel, SeungWoo and HyungSeob all had chosen Get Ugly so the majority of the trainees in higher ranks were on one song. When DaeHwi entered in 7th place he looked a bit sad that JaeHyun didn't stand on the Playing with fire station but he skipped happily to greet him anyway.

As the different positions were getting filled up when HyunBin who were in 24th place were about to pick BoA announced that DownPour was already filled.

''What? HyunBin-ie were gonna choose Vocal?!'' JaeHwan asked surprised. JaeHyun looked at his team in satisfaction bur also worry. He knew that with JiSung, SungWoon, MinHyun and JaeHwan they were gonna sing this song really well but he also thought of himself as the weak link in this team. He knew how well all the other members sung so he was very worried.

As all the position had been filled BoA once again stood inferno to all the trainees.

''The position evaluation is where all of you will receive evaluations directly from nations producers. I hope you all prepare with lots of effort, Hwaiting'' She cheered the trainees on before leaving them to prepare their stage.

All the different team gathered in their own stations.

''Who wants to be the leader? The leader is the most important'' JiSung said as the all sat together on the floor.

''SungWoon?'' JaeHwan suggested but when JaeHyun looked at him he looked uncomfortable.

''No matter what, the leader needs to be good'' he changed the subject.

'' Hyung should do it I think'' JaeHyun said while pointing to JiSung.

After a few seconds of thinking JiSung happily exclaimed ''OKAY, I'll do it this time'' making the rest of the team cheer.

''At first I was shocked, I didn't know you were a vocal'' MinHyun said to JiSung who only laughed.

''Firstly, we need to settle on a main vocal'' JiSung said and both JaeHwan and SungWoon tried and they were both amazing.

It's Me - Pick Me/ S2P101/ KPOPWhere stories live. Discover now