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Tick tock tick tock the clock went, the only audible sound in your apartment along with the rain impinging onto the windows. The weather was dark, and so was your mood.

Your face rested in your palms, your phone scattered in front of you on the kitchen table. It had been almost two weeks since you've heard of Baekhyun. Ever since that day, your texting had stopped, you had sent him countless messages but they remained unanswered. You tried had calling him just as much, but his hotline was the only thing answering you.

It felt horrible, not only were you upset of not knowing of him, you were worried, anxious. What had happened to him? Was he okay, what if he was crying somewhere right now? Did he regret crying in front of you? You didn't know why it was having such an effect on you. Only the thought of him being hurt was enough to make your heart clench painfully in your chest. You couldn't think of anything but him, you couldn't let yourself sit there while he most likely be alone somewhere, suffering while he actually needed someone.

Maybe he'd say that he wants to be alone, but you knew that could have two meanings; he actually wants you to comfort him, or he honestly wanted to be alone. Though whatever he was feeling you couldn't risk him. Maybe it sounded selfish, but you felt the enormous urge to see him, to make sure that he was okay, you wanted to hurry before someone else would make him feel better. You wanted to be that one. You wanted Baekhyun to trust you more, he didn't know but you would probably not even hesitate to tell him your worries, you trusted him so much already.

Without wasting any more time you flew out of your chair and rushed into your jacket and shoes. Maybe it was crazy but you couldn't care less, you'd rather act crazy than sit at home and worry like there's no tomorrow and nothing about it. Without bothering to dress suitable for the rain you locked the door and sprinted to the nearest bus station. Luck seemed to be on your side today as the bus came just when you arrived. With heavy breaths you took a seat, anxiously fidgeting with your fingers.

As soon as your stop came you jumped outside and started running towards his apartment, your heartbeat increasing more and more, a feeling of nervousness washing over you almost overwhelming. Your breath had run out long ago but you couldn't care less and continued pushing your stamina to the edge.

You entered the building and quickly found his door, just to ring on the bell eagerly. No response. You rang the bell once more and the same thing happened, nothing. With a frown you leaned your ear onto the door to try hear any possible sound of living from the apartment, but nothing. He wasn't home. You let out a frustrated sigh, your hands running desperately through your now wet hair, for a second you contemplated giving up. Though you didn't just yet. With heavy steps you headed back outside, welcomed by the rain. Your clothes were already sticking to your body in a incredibly annoying manner, but what did that matter, the rain was pouring harder onto the ground and you were already drenched. Nothing to loose.

As you were outside you took in the surroundings carefully, making sure to not miss and single detail. No matter the weather, cars were frantically crossing the roads, only and few people were walking outside, and they definitely were more prepared for the rain than you were.

Then your gaze suddenly stopped at a certain parked car. There wasn't something particular about it, it was just any car. Though what caught your eye was the driver. His hands clenching the steering wheel as his blond head hung down desperately. You couldn't help but think that he looked very familiar.

The heart started looping inside of you as your feet automatically started moving towards the vehicle. There was a chance that it wouldn't be Baekhyun, but it would be definitely worth a try.

As soon as you reached the car, you discreetly peeked into the window, and by then you couldn't be surer. His blond hair, his elegant hands and slim body, you could recognize his silhouette anywhere.

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