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Before you knew it Baekhyun's sweet scent had embraced you completely as his face hid in the crook of your neck. Shock traveled through your body as you tried to elaborate what was happening. You woke up from your dazed state as you realized that Baekhyun's body was actually trembling against yours, and without hesitation you laced your arms around his shoulders, pressing him closer to you. Soothingly you smoothed your hands down his back, trying your best to comfort him. 

"It's all right.." You murmured softly in his ear, a feeling of relief washing over you as Baekhyun started to calm down in your arms. His arms were still holding strongly onto you as if his life depended on it. His head deeply buried into your hair.

After a while, you loosened your hold of him, just too take a better look at him, but he had no intention of letting you go. You could understand that if he wouldn't want you to see him in a pitiful state.

"Baekhyun..." You tried, your voice only a delicate whisper, and slowly Baekhyun lifted his head to your level. Your eyes searching his, but he wouldn't let you see the pain his. His long lashes wet with small crystals, his red cheeks stained with fresh tears. Before you knew it your hands had already reached out for his face, carefully cupping his cheeks with your palms, at your sudden touch his eyes snapped to yours. your gazes locking, not being able to look away. His eyes slightly red and swollen, the lost look on his face broke your heart.

Slowly you started caressing the tear-stained spots on his cheeks with the pad of your thumb, his skin silk soft under your touch.  A soothing silence was taking over, the only hearable sounds were your quiet breaths and the soft ticking of the clock. Baekhyun's eyes giving you a hesitant look, like if he was contemplating about telling you whatever was bothering him.

No words were needed, with a weak smile you assured him that he didn't need to tell you anything. No matter how much you felt the urge to know, you would never want to force him to tell, for you it was enough that he had asked you to come over. Ever so slightly Baekhyun then leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering close as he did, his actions making shooting stars run down your spine. 

The way his blonde hair glimmered while messily sticking into every direction, the way his plump lips were slightly parted, his milk skin, his long eyelashes glittering with the sunlight, it made him look beautiful no matter his state. And suddenly you had the strong urge to draw him closer, press your lips against his and hug him close, to assure him. Though you quickly pushed that thought aside.

You let him led you the couch in the living room, where you sat down in silence, the soft cushions sinking down with your weight as you both sat down next to each other. You didn't know why but the nervousness was slowly getting to you, the thought of being alone with Baekhyun, in his house made your heart go wild inside of your chest. And you hated yourself for feeling like that in this kind of situation, where were supposed to concentrate on the fact the wasn't feeling well. But you couldn't help the fact that he was starting to have a strange effect on you.

The two sat there in silence, almost awkward, the way your knees bumped into each other made you shiver. You looked in his direction and as he noticed his gaze returned yours. Your eyes locking.

His dark eyes were empty, no trace of the lively Baekhyun in them. He looked right through,  just as if he was trying to find an answer to every thing he didn't understand in his life. Yet all you could do was stare back and feel helpless because you had no idea how to make him feel better.

He let out a shaky sigh, ready to cry whenever. Seeing him this broken made you feel depressed. It hurt, you felt how your heart clenched painfully in your chest when you studied his tear stained cheeks over and over again.

You didn't want to sit there and do nothing. Even though your presence could be enough to make him feel better, you didn't feel it was enough.

So before you could regret it, you opened your arms suggestively at him. He didn't hesitate for a second when he scooped closer and eventually leaned over you, his head resting on your chest as you laced your arms around him.

Your body trembled slightly at the close contact and you hoped for your dear life that he wouldn't notice your fast heartbeat too much. With a big sigh, you tried to calm down.

Baekhyun's eyes eventually fluttered close, and while you stared at him, taking him in, you absent-mindedly led your hand to his hair. Your fingers carefully lacing through his locks, brushing his soft blonde hair. When he sighed contentedly you swore your heart had flipped wildly and excitedly you continued on caressing him.

Butterflies bloomed inside of your belly when his arms sneaked around your waist, his face nuzzling deeper into your hair. His smell suddenly overwhelming you, an undescribably sweet scent, in a matter of seconds you were already drunk with it.

The vision got more and more clouded, and the man hugging you was by now far asleep, soon you would be too.

It didn't take long before you also fell asleep, leaning more into the couch for a more comfortable position.
Your arms had by now left Baekhyun's hair and had somehow found their way to his hands, fingers intertwined. His smooth skin against yours never failing to make you feel on fire,  your legs weak.

When something besides you started moving you started stirring awake. As soon as the light came in your view, you saw that Baekhyun was still cuddled against you, though now he was awake.

"Baek-" you started, but as soon as you had started speaking he got startled, his face snapping up to look at you. The breath got stuck inside of your throat as you noticed how close your faces were at the moment. You wanted to breathe but it was like you and forgotten how to do it.

His lips parted slightly with shock, though he didn't move further away, instead he continued looking at you. He probably had no clue about the fact that he was looking breath taking.

You didn't know what had gotten into you when your hands slid against his broad chest as I'd you needed support. Your gaze flicking to his red plump lips, fantasies about his lips against yours popped uncontrollably into your head.

Baekhyun eventually did the same, fireworks exploding inside of you when his eyes gave a thoughtful look to your lips, a twinkle shining in his chocolate brown eyes.

As If he was a magnet, you felt yourself draw closer to him, feeling as if you'd never be close enough. He did the same, cocking his head slightly to the side as he leaned closer. His breath slowly fanning your cheeks at the same time as his eyelashes hit your cheekbones every time he'd flutter his eyes.

The time seemed to slow down, everything was going slower, his addicting scent embracing you once again, your head feeling lighter. Suddenly you were dizzy, your eyelids hanging  heavily onto your eyes. And all you wanted to do was press your lips against his and melt into him. The greed was making you feel impatient and he seemed to feel the same as he almost closed the gap.

His lips dangerously hovering over yours, and no matter how close you were, you felt too far, the thick air making your every move slower and heavier.

Just when Baekhyun's hands had found your neck, both of you abruptly shrugged away when a phone started ringing, the loud melody echoing through the plain walls. You internally groaned, feeling as you should have expected something like that.

Though as soon as you had parted reality hit you and shame washed over you when you thought about what you had wanted to do with someone you had met just some weeks ago.
Baekhyun's cheeks were flushed as he shyly looked away.

"I- I'm sorry about that..." you said as your hand automatically covered your mouth. He shook his head.

"Don't worry,  let's forget it."

You nodded, though you couldn't help but feel your heart crack at his words, as they hurt more than they were supposed to...

Forget, he said.

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