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The sun shone warmly through the thin curtains, a yellow color painting the white walls of your room. You were wide awake, actually you hadn't slept at all this night. You couldn't help but feel nervous. Baekhyun's white shoes were neatly placed in a box on your desk, shiny and clean just like new ones. You were proud of how well you had cleaned  them, miraculously you had removed the stains of dog poop. 

It was Sunday, and Baekhyun was in a few hours supposed to come and get his shoes. You didn't know why but you had felt nervous since the moment you had started cleaning his sneakers. It was a mix of anticipation and fear. Fear because you were afraid that you'd embarrass yourself, or that he would get the wrong idea of you, it sounded stupid but worries are always worries. Baekhyun had been an extremely good looking and charming man, and you couldn't deny that he had woken up a certain interest in you. You couldn't say that you liked him in that way, but he was interesting and intriguing.

You hadn't even noticed how he had been everything you had been thinking about, even though you had just met once, there had been something about him that made you feel drawn to him. The way he had looked at you, telling you that he understood your feelings had never left your mind once. That moment you had felt your heart squeeze at his words. Had he been able to see the sadness in your eyes? The pain in your features? Or maybe he had just been guessing, not giving it as much importance than you had.

With a sigh you rolled out of the bed, deciding to give the house one last fast clean before Baekhyun would come. You had cleaned the house yesterday and the day before, and you were sure that your apartment had never been so shiny in all the time you had spent living in there. Amazing, he had a good influence on you. Quickly, you jumped into the shower, hurrying the process. Normally you would spend an hour or more in the shower, you liked the comforting feeling of warm water embracing your cold skin. 

But today you had no time for that, yet you still scrubbed your body properly, wanting your skin to smell extra good, you put extra care into conditioning your hair just because you wanted it to look extra smooth and healthy. A few days ago you wouldn't have been like this, you would probably been crying in the shower with a sad playlist playing from your phone, dwelling on Joohyuk. And now? You were feeling something far away from sad, broken. No you felt refreshed, you felt like you were finding the strength to put your heart back together.

You had no idea where all of this energy was coming from, but you liked it. It was nice to feel healed for once.  All of your relationships had only brought you pain, and now it was like nothing of that had ever happened.

As you stepped out of the shower, you quickly grabbed a towel, wrapping yourself in it as cold shivers made the hair on your arms stand up.

It didn't take you long before you had dressed up and dried your hair. As a top you had just slipped into a oversized sweater with a pair of tight jeans, as for your hair you let it down in it's natural form. You smiled at yourself in the mirror, feeling content with the way you were looking. Fresh, happy and healthy. The dark circles under your eyes were partly gone, and nobody could ever tell that just some days ago all you had been eating was ice cream and comfort food while crying.

A loud ding rang through the house, startling you a bit, yet you still quickly ran to the main door. With a little sigh you opened it, only to reveal a cold looking Baekhyun. His blonde hair was wavy, and this time it covered softly his forehead. The same beanie he had on your first meet was lazily resting on his hair, and his round glasses decorated his eyes whom were slightly red and puffy. Before you could react it he shot you an open-mouthed smile, making your heart flip in your chest. You couldn't help but smile back.

"Good morning." He eventually said, his voice felt soothing and his smile was mesmerizing you, and you wondered when was the last time you had seen someone so beautiful.

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