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With a careful move you once more slid the mascara brush skillfully across your lashes, to make sure that your eyes looked wider and prettier. You had never liked the idea of fake lashes unless it was really necessary, so you'd always use different mascaras to boost your lashes.

A smile crept on your face as you observed yourself in the mirror. You weren't the most confident girl in the world, yet one thing that you liked about yourself was the fact that you didn't need much make up at all to look pretty. Of course there would be moments where you'd have a hard time appreciating yourself, but these days you couldn't just feel like that. You were in a happy mood that no one could ever be able to ruin, and when you were happy the rest of the world seemed to smile with you, so insecurity couldn't really get to you during these times.

With eager you sprinted from your room, reaching the entrance, just to start wearing your shoes and jacket before a certain someone would come. Kookie seemed to feel your eager as he was constantly running after you, he probably knew he was going out with you and Baekhyun too. You couldn't wipe the bright smile from your face, you were feeling all too happy, a bubbly feeling filling you up. Your heart was constantly fluttering, and you couldn't understand if it was because of your happy mood or because the thought of Baekhyun .

Either way, it felt nice, and you just wanted more of it. You had never felt so well only a few days after a heartbreak, and this felt almost unreal.

Just when you had attached the leash on Kookie's collar, the bell rang, and you jumped with shock, your heart had started beating uncontrollably in your chest as Baekhyun's face immediately popped in your head. You took a deep breath, in order to keep calm. If you'd say that you weren't nervous it would've been a big lie. Because no matter if you and the boy were just almost friends, he was beautiful and comparable to an angel in everything he did, how he talked, how he smiled, his kindness. It had left an impression you, you couldn't just forget these details, and any girl would have her heart skip beats next to someone like him.

Without wasting anymore time you walked to the door, and opened it carefully. There he stood, his hands stuffed in the pocket of his fluffy winter jacket, his bright hair was shimmering under the lights of your entrance, as it rested softly on his forehead, looking fluffy as ever. For a second you had the urge to run your fingers through it, but you kept yourself together and shot him the sweetest smile you could pull off. In no time he responded to it with a lovely smirk.

"Good evening." He greeted softly, his voice already melting you. All you could do was nod in response with a smile.

"I'm slightly late, I'm sorry..." He eventually said while scratching his neck nervously, his eyes pointing elsewhere. You couldn't help but find that adorable as you shook your head at him.

"No need for that, really it's no biggie." You assured and you noticed the relief softening his expression.

"Then let's go." Baekhyun said as he backed away from the door, giving you the chance to pass through it. With Kookie you exited the house and locked it before officially starting your little walk.

The streets were still covered in white snow, streetlights enlightening the paths along with the cars lights and various christmas decorations hanging around the doors of different houses. You liked it, the way the snow fell slowly, almost making it seem as time was passing just as slow, the noise coming from the driveway sinking in the background of Baekhyun's soft speaking voice. It felt relaxing,  Baekhyun's presence never failing to making you feel warm, and you couldn't help but wish that he would feel just as nice as you during these times.

The two of you talked comfortably, there was no awkwardness, not even if the conversations would end, and you found that amazing, that was the kind of friendship you had always hoped for one day. No matter the short amount of time the two of you had known each other, he felt like an old friend.

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