Two Sides Of A Coin

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I felt his hands come to a rest on my shoulders as Mr. Saber started to whisper in my ear.

"You even enjoyed your party last night." He'd say breathly before letting out a snicker that made my skin begin to crawl.

I closed my eyes as I forced myself to accept what I did last night.

My fangs sank into the man's arm like a hot knife through butter. I had been choking down animal blood that the sweet taste of a human's blood was intoxicating. I tightened my grip on the arm as I tried to sink my fangs deeper. I didn't even care when he died as I finally pulled away and let the body drop to the floor with a loud thud. Lady Delilah had a spot of blood on the edge of her mouth which meant she fed off the man as well. She handed me a wine glass that was filled with blood and I took it happily from her.

"You poor thing, I can't believe William practically starved you." She said as we both went over to the living room area and took a seat on the couch with other vampires. Mr. Saber took a seat next to me and we were all holding glasses of blood in our hands.

"While we will have our official ceremony in the coming month, I would like to raise a glass to Elder Jones. While he may be ashes now, at least his blood line still lives on." Lady Delilah said as she raised her glass in my direction and we raised our glasses before taking a drink.

"I should actually care that I just killed someone." I said trying to process what I just did before shrugging and taking another drink from my glass.

"You need to let go of that little shred of humanity you try to desperately clutch to." Mr. Saber said as he tried to run a finger along my shoulders.

I take another drink from my glass before giving him a sly smirk. "Baby steps."

Mr. Saber took a soft grip of my hand as he began to kiss the fingers before slowly kissing upwards. I tried to pull my arm away but he kept a firm hold. "Relax Darling, I don't bite...much." He give a snicker before kissing more.

I quickly finished my glass before I spun around toward him using my vampire speed to my advantage. I was now straddling his lap and I could see the surprise in his eyes before our lips locked with each other. I pulled back for a moment and could of sworn I saw a hint of red in his eyes but that could of been a small flash back to my moments with Trent.

I shook my head before turning around to Mr. Saber who was looking at me with deep red eyes. "But you can't be.." I tried to say as I stepped backwards in surprise.

"An Elder vampire? Of course not." He stepped closer to me and I backed up till I was pressed against a wall. His eyes were a deep blood red and had two sets of fangs protruding unlike other vampires. Mr. Saber was a third generation vampire, just like me.

"We called Nossies. Coined shortly after a famous movie with a similar movie. I bet the vampire lore lady would have a very good idea what movie." He said through a sly smile as his eyes and teeth slowly went back to normal.

"Nosferatu." I blurted out. "Makes sense, but, that doesn't explain last night."

"I was hoping you had just shut off your humanity, but what happened was just you in a blood lust. Emphasis on the lust part." He was now a hair's distance away from my face with both of his hands on either side of me pressed against the wall.

"I am in love..." I tried to say before I was quickly cut off by Mr. Saber.

"With a dingy little puppy dog. First werewolf or not, William Holdcraft is still nothing more then a lost, pathetic and broken heart puppy dog. And you are nothing more then just some arm candy that helps him remember his dead wife. He'll never have feelings for you and anything you say..." I slapped Mr. Saber across the face with all the force I could muster which caused him to slam into the marble counter next to me, also causing his head to gash on the edge from hitting it at the right angle.

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