Acceptance, third time's the charm

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I woke up that morning to realize my alarm had never gone off. I sat up in the bed as I tried to remember what happened last night.

"I had sex with Master Liam." I whispered softly to myself as I lifted up my bed sheets to find I was still wearing the clothes I had on last night. I became instantly confused at why I was still wearing clothes when I know I didn't go to bed that way.

I hopped out of bed, fixed my hair and headed downstairs. There were two new faces as well as Thomas, Issac, Charles and Master Liam.

"Tease me with a good time the last few mornings and then leave me hanging." Charles said as he ate a bowl of cereal giving a playful glare at me.

"Oh yes, the infamous vampire girl who can't eat food but can cook like it's magic." Came from a new female who made the comment in a snarky tone.

I ignored her comment unsure if she was trying to be nice or sarcastic and took a seat at the counter next to Master Liam. I stared at him awkwardly before he glanced in my direction making me direct my attention to my phone to appear as if I wasn't staring at him.

"Sleep well?" He asked gaining my attention as he took a drink from his coffee mug.

I looked at him akwardly unsure how to ask him if we slept together last night. I gave him a slight and forced nod.

A smirk curled onto his lips before he took another drink from his mug.

"So what's is the deal with the eclipse?" I asked trying to make the awkward feelings I was having go away.

"Generally during a new moon we are at our weakest, however during an eclipse, the moon passes between the earth and sun." Thomas started to say as he made his way into the kitchen area, leaning on the other side of the counter.

"It's hell everytime because if you aren't in the path, you have to sit and suffer the whole time it's supposed to take. It feels like your skin is burning and being ripped off. Can't even turn to relieve the feeling either." Thomas said as he stood back up to pour himself a cup of coffee.

"Anyways, there's a bit of magic behind it to. Any wolf in it's path becomes forced to change and is stuck as a wolf while the eclipse passes over the earth. Sucked during the times we didn't have technology to better prepare. We had to go based off fear and panic when we felt like we were going to change. Some packs would get almost wiped out because they couldn't get to hiding before humans caught wind of them"

"When we are turned into a wolf, we have little control over ourselves. It's not like what you've seen already when we are turned. Our primal instints take more control and it's hard to determine if you are friendly or not." Master Liam said as he finished his cup of coffee.

"And what does all of this have to do with me?" I asked trying to understand my best on how the eclipse works on werewolves.

"Our bites are just as bad on you as your's are on us." Master Liam said. "I'll be a little more in control given who I am. It's only lasts for about an hour for us, and luckily we are not in the direct path, but we are close enough that it affects us."

I look to him, tilting my head to the side. "Why don't you just leave? Get out of the main path?" I asked thinking it'd be the most logical action to take.

"This is still my home and while most are doing just that, some don't have that luxury either due to money or some are unaffilated with a pack. I welcome all who wish to not be alone for this to come into my home." He answered before getting up from his seat and walking past me, not before leaning in to whisper in my ear.

"Miss Burns?" He asked.

I gave a nod of my head as I closed my eyes as his warm breath danced on my cold skin.

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