Suddenly Emir's phone rang again. Emir answered and jumped suddenly. Zeynep too.

"What is it Emir?"

"It's my father.. He said he was able to bring some information about a shipment that was leaving to Greece tonight. The authorities are keeping an eye on it. There's a suspicious that it might be involved in human trafficking"

"Oh. God. That's good. Let's go now"

"No Zeynep. You're not going. I have to talk with my men first before we go"

"Emir. I'm going with you. End of discussion. Also we have to inform
My brother and the police"

"NO.. we won't inform anyone. It'll put everything at risk. I'll take care of it first then we will tell the police"

"Alright but I'm going with you"

Emir said already feeling frustrated and turned around to leave but Zeynep grabbed his hand.

"Emir. Please. I'll lose my mind if I didn't know.  Please I promise I won't cause any trouble"

Emir looked at her pleading eyes then sighed.

"Okay. Come but be a good girl. No jumping on people's throats"

Zeynep chuckled "Okay"
Emir noded not convinced. Then both left the house to meet with galip Kozguoglu and his men.


Meanwhile Eyhan and Kemal were chasing a lead with the help of Hakan. They got informations about the man that Calles himself 'the boss'.

Their investigations revealed that the man had a wife and after questioning her she told them that he was planning to leave the country. Eyhan's men were able to find that he was leaving through sea in a regular hunting boat. The police and Kemal's men were able to find the boat and arest him.

'The boss' told them what they already suspected. He sold the boy to human trafficking market. And he gave them a location. It was the same location Emir's father found. Emir couldn't move alone anymore. It was in the police's hand right now. Even the higher authorities in Ankara were present.

The police put a plan to catch these guys in action.
It was dark almost 11 pm. Every thing was set and in position.
The policemen, Kemal's men. And Emir's men as well. They were surrounding the harbor and observing the shipment discreetly. Waiting for a signal.

Zeynep was sitting in Emir's car with him. She was so nervous and scared. She couldn't stop her hands from shaking.

"Zeynep.. calm down you're going to have a heart attack".

"Emir. I can't sit still anymore. My baby is right there. What are they waiting for?"

"Calm down. We can't alert them to our presence. Or else they'll hurt the children"

"Good forbid... um what if something happened and they opened fire and police opened too.. Oh God and the kids get hurt huh?"

Zeynep started to become hysterical. And emir started to get worried. He grabbed her hand tightly trying to get her to calm down. Her hands were ice cold and shaking violently. Her face was bale. She shouldn't have came here. Emir tried to distract her. So he asked her.

"So, we're not going to talk about what happened this morning?"

Zeynwp swallowed thickly avoiding his eyes again.

"What happened this morning?"


"Umm. It was.. it was nothing. We both were weak and just lost in the moment. There's nothing to talk about"

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