"How are you doing?"

She hums while wrapping her fingers around her chin as she looks at him with furrowed eyebrows, "How much you bet that I'm doing fine?"

He once again scoffs upon her answer but deep down he's worried. Everything on her now look so forceful that makes him afraid to talk nor ask something. Her smile looks forceful, her high pitch voice sounds forceful. She forces herself to look okay.

He heaves a sigh and casually intertwines their hand together, making the girl flustered by his sudden action. Jungkook searches for her eyes and once they lock their eyes together he says, "My whole life". 

Mi-so couldn't find any words to utter, she only blinks her eyes few times due to her fluster by his touch. In the end, she let out an awkward laugh, slowly pulling her hand out from his grip, "I am, perfectly fine" she replies.

Jungkook hisses as he shifts his position to face her. He takes this chance to turn her around to face him as well by moving her shoulders, "Stop, lying" he adds with a stern tone.

Slowly, her expression changes from happy to sad. Her eyebrows arch downwards as well as her lips while tears start to form in her eyes. Exactly five seconds after, she breaks into tears,sobbing really hard. Watching her cry makes his face soften, relief at the fact she finally shows what she really feels inside. He rather see her crying while being honest about herself than being happy all the time with white lies.

Mi-so continues to cry her eyes out like a child still with candies in her hand, holding them tight so they won't fall while the other hand has the bottle in her grip. The guy in front, who still has his hands on her shoulder quickly pulls her into his warm embrace again to take away some of her sadness.

"It's better to cry out Mi-so" he says softly into her ears while moving his hand up and down on her back, caressing her head afterwards "Just cry on my shoulders, I don't mind"

With that, the aforementioned girl cries even louder than before. Jungkook has to admit his heart does shatter into pieces as this is the first time she cries really hard in front of him. He just can't imagine how hard for her to hide all the pain while they're together or how hard she had cried behind his back, trying to fight back her illness.

Minutes after, Mi-so slowly pulls herself away from his embrace while trying to hide her puffy and red eyes under untied hair. She sniffs and keeps on rubbing her nose and sniffs again. Jungkook laughs and carefully lifts his hands up towards Mi-so to move her hair that she covers her face with earlier. He hides them behind her ears before cupping her face and rubs away her tears with his thumbs.

Her eyes from staring right to the ground slowly make them way up to his eyes. Witnessing him smiling soften her heart and she can't help but to smile too, "Thank you" she manages to let the words out.

"For what?" he asks, almost teasing making her to laugh with a bit of annoyance in her tone. She pulls away his hands and hold them tightly, "Take it or I'll take it"

He chuckles, "Alright alright, you're welcome my lady" Jungkook then sigh while looking down at their hands "Do you have anything you've been keeping in yourself? You can let it all out to me" he lifts his head up again and flashes her the most genuine smile he ever done "I'll gladly listen".

Mi-so hums while tapping her forefinger on the top of his hand casually, "You know, the first time I knew I had to hide this from everyone, which was four year ago" she says and senses what's coming next after noticing he flinches, she chuckles lowly and quickly continue "Yes yes, that's why I avoided to talk with you that time. I was too shocked, too sad till I isolated myself from everyone, including you and including my parents. I locked myself a lot in my room while hoping that i would at least find one solution to overcome my problem"

She then suddenly pulls her hands away again and turn around to face the blue sky, looking forward with her head tilt to the side a bit, "Until one day I realised I was wasting my time too much for being sad. I just wanted to live happily ever after but, with this kind of illness?" she asks herself while pointing at her as she turns her head to look at him, he widen his eyes a bit as he anticipates her next reply.

Mi-so scoffs and shakes her head, "I don't think so" she says, automatically making the guy's already shattered heart to shatter even more "But! suddenly with your brilliant idea of wanting to fake a relationship, I, found my happiness again" she let those words out slowly with a very sincere tone and smile on her face even she's facing the view instead of her friend "I really enjoyed our times together Jungkook, though sometimes you annoyed me too much but those were the times I enjoyed the most"

Jungkook smiles even more widely after listening to her full answer. He still has his eyes on her but couldn't find any words to say. He only manages to smile and adore her from the side, also wishing the smile won't fade away.

"Aside that" she continues, earning his attention right. Jungkook leans forward with both of his arms resting on his thighs, he tilts his head towards her and waits for her to continue. "I do fear some things. Like, you know we became so close lately and unknowingly the urge to fall in love with you is so real. I just cant help it but to fall" she cringes at her own answer and turns her head to face him who has this kind of expression she wants to laugh at, he is confuse "I was saying that I like you okay? I've fallen for you"

He wants to smile but seeing her expression, he can't. His eyebrows furrow, "What's with the face?" he asks, sitting up straight again.

"Because that's what I fear the most. I'm scared that if I ever fall for you I will regret myself for not taking care my health properly. If I ever fall for you, I will not have enough time to spend with you and I might regret it" she starts to cry again.

The guy quickly pulls her into a hug again, hushing her softly, "Don't say like that. Listen Mi-so, I will not make you regret anything okay? I will makes sure I spend most of my time with you and fill your last day with joy because me too. I'm afraid of losing you. I promise".

Breaking the hug, she stares into his eyes and sighs, "Promise?". He smiles while nodding his head, "I'm good with my words" he then cups her face and slowly plants a soft peck on her forehead before hugging her tightly again.





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