Chapter 21

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Luke's POV
When I woke up I rolled over to talk to Lauren but saw how peaceful she looked. I decided to leave her alone and let her wake up in her own time. I smirked seeing only half of her glistening body was being covered and decided to cover her up in case Juniper comes in.

I sat at the edge of the bed and pulled on my boxers and walked out the room and to Juniper's. I peaked into the room to see her sleeping in her 'big girl bed'. Thankfully I'll have enough time for a shower.

I quickly got showered and dressed just in time. I was just pulling my shirt over my head when Juniper burst in. She walked into the room rubbing her eyes and asked,"Momma's still sleeping?"

I nodded and picked her up and brought her into the kitchen. "How'd you sleep baby girl?"

She smiled,"Good this time but Momma didn't read to me so it was hard."

I chuckled and poked her little button nose,"Silly goose you fell asleep on the couch with us last night. We were going to read to you but we didn't think that you would be able to hear the story so we saved it for tonight."

Her eyebrows furrowed,"So I get two stories?"

I nodded and she smiled,"Okay. But can I pick?"

"Of course but I'm going to read the one I picked out for you last night okay?" I set her on the floor and she went into the living room and played with her stuffed animals. I still can't believe that she still has those.

I started cooking baccon and eggs and listened to Juniper shuffling around and heard the occasional sound. Once the food was all done I cute her eggs into manageable pieces and put two pieces of bacon on her plastic plate and set it in her spot. I got two more plates ready as well as our glasses of orange juice,"I'll be right back."

She nodded,"Okay Daddy."

I jogged down the hall and into our room and sat by Lauren who was still sleeping,"Breakfast is ready if you want to get in the shower and get cleaned up a bit."

She didn't reply right away so I gently shook her and she groaned,"Let me sleep."

I chuckled and looked at the clock,"Babe it's almost 9, Juniper is going to start getting angry if I don't get some food into her belly."

She sighed and stood up. She let the blanket drop and I whistled at her beautiful form,"Damn how did I get so lucky?"

She smiled and put her robe on ending my show and stopped at the door,"Just think, this is all yours forever and that's all mine and only mine."

"You just wait until I put her down tonight and I'll show you that you're mine." I replied lowly and started to feel the throb between my legs.

She stopped, turned around and started walking towards me. I watched as she came closer and soon she was in front of me. She straddled my lap and smirked when she felt how hard I was.

I chuckled and set my hands on her beautiful hips as she started grinding on me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of her on me and felt her hands snaking there way down. Just as she was about to unzip my pants she whispered in my ear,"Feed her and get her to take a nap, then we'll finish."

As fast as she was there she was gone. Fuck how am I gonna hide this now?

I decided to sit a moment and think about something else to try and calm myself before walking back into the kitchen again,"You ready to eat?"

She stood up and hopped around,"Yeah! Where's Momma?"

"I'm right here silly girl!" Lauren came from the hallway with her hair in a towel and scooped up Juniper in one swoop.

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