Chapter 6

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Lauren POV
I sat in the waiting room of a clinic where my obyn was. I had Juniper asleep in her car seat that sat on the ground by my feet facing me so I can see if she started to wake up.

I then lifted my phone and started texting Emma.

Lauren- Emma I was just seeing how you are doing and if you will be busy in like 4 days.

I waited for a response and my phone buzzed on my lap.

Emma- Hey Lauren! How if Juniper? I miss you two girls so much! Oh and I am actually going away with Kate. 

Lauren- We are good and we miss you too Em! I hope that you and Kate have fun.

Emma- Update me when the appointment is over okay?

Lauren- Yes mom.

Emma- Shut up.

"Lauren and Juniper?" I looked up at the mention of our names and stood. I smiled and leaned down and picked up her car seat.

I then followed Dr. Blake down to her room and set Juniper's seat on the ground by my chair. "So let me see the pretty girl."

I smiled at her and unbuckled her from her car seat and took her out. She tucked her legs in and stretched her arms. "This is Juniper. My daughter." I said as I handed her over to the awaiting arms.

Dr. Blake just smiled so brightly up at me,"Awe Lauren she is perfect, just beautiful. And look at the beautiful green eyes and this little nose and perfect little ears." She said the last part in a baby voice as she turned her attention to Juniper, causing her to smile.

"Her and I were going to move to Atlanta, Georgia for one of my jobs that I just landed."

"Oh thats great, too bad I won't be seeing much of you two anymore."

"I think what I will do is rent out another apartment down there and come back on our break."

She looked over at me and nodded. She then laid Juniper on the examination table,"Is she having normal movements and eating?"

"Yeah she is. What is worrying me is that she doesn't eat much during the day."

She nodded and I watched as she gently rubbed her tummy,"These kinds of things are normal for a newborn but you will keep me posted if anything changes?"

I nodded,"Of course." 

I watched as she took out her stethoscope and listened to her heartbeat and breathing. "Sounds perfect Lauren. Will you put her on the blanket on the scale?"

I nodded and picked her up and placed her in this bayonet that they used to measure her when she was born. Dr. Blake came over with her clipboard and recorded what it read,"6 pounds 6 ounces."

I got worried,"Wait she weighed more than that when she was born. Is there something wrong?"

"No, no she is fine Lauren. All newborn babies loose all of their 'water weight' a week after birth. If anything she is right on track for girls her age. Now if you would hold her I have to take some blood just to see if there is anything wrong internally that I can catch right now."

I nodded and picked her up and heald  her to my body while Dr. Blake got her tray ready. I gently took her small arm into my hand and looked at her pale skin and could barely make out her veins. "Where are you inserting the needle?"

She rolled over in her chair and set the tray down beside out chair,"I will see if I can get one in her arms and if not I will have to use a vein on her head."

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