Chapter 9

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Lauren POV
I sighed as I finally got to sit down in my new trailer that was on set. Juniper has been screaming at me for the past half an hour but it turns out that she was just overtired.

I stretched before laying down the length of the couch and just as I closed my eyes, there was a knock at the door.

I stood from the couch and opened the door to reveal Robert Kirkman and someone stood behind him,"Hey Lauren you settling in good?"

I smiled and nodded,"Yeah enjoying the weather for now anyways."

"I want you to meet someone that you will be working with for the majority of this TV series. Oh and I will be bringing someone else around I'm about an hour or so when she gets here." He replied before walking off.

The man that stood behind him was easily recognized as Glenn. He stuck his hand out and I shook it,"I'm Steven Yeun and I play Glenn."

I chuckled,"I know who you are silly. But I'm Lauren Cohan and I'll be playing Maggie Greene. Come in,"I moved to the side allowing for him to come in and visit for a while.

He came and sat on the couch after I closed the door. I came and sat beside him,"This will be fun but I'm really counting on a nice strong cast and crew."

"Oh yeah for sure they're awesome and you'll be treated very well. So we will be having dinner tonight if you wanted to join, well only if you aren't busy or anything."

"For sure I'd love to." I paused for a moment considering Juniper and who I would leave her with,"I'll actually have to talk with my sister when I get home but I'll get back to you on that later."

"Okay well in that case I'll just give you my number, so you can just text me or whatever." He nervously fumbled with the pen and piece of paper I handed him.

He ripped off the piece that had his number on it and handed it to me. I took it and read it over before taking the extra piece and writing my number down and handed it to him.

I watched as he glanced around the room for a moment and landing on a picture that I had of Juniper. He was just about to ask me something before her soft cries rang through the trailer. "I'll be right back."

I stood and walked to the back of the trailer to where I laid her down on the bed with pillows surrounding her. I gently picked her up and coohed,"You're okay baby girl, Mommy's here now you don't need to cry."

Her cries stifled and soon her green irises met with mine and I smiled down at her. When she saw me smile her body stiffened briefly before going back to normal.

I laid her down on the bed and quickly changed her diaper before carefully lifting her into my arms and walking to where Steven sat fiddling with his fingers. "Steven this is Juniper."

He looked up at me and then the little bundle. I sat beside him on the couch and after he studied her features for a moment he asked,"Your daughter?"

Yeah you can tell?" I asked and he nodded and my face instantly got red,"Well I mean its pretty obvious, I did have her two weeks ago," I laughed nervously,"Guess I still have a lot of the baby weight."

"No you don't I didn't even notice." He laughed, glancing up at me before he fixed his eyes on this little baby.

"Would you like to hold her?" I asked.

"Of course." He replied before sticking his arms out and I gently passed her to him. He heald her in front of him and smiled causing her body to stiffen,"She's beautiful, her father must be so proud."

"It's just the two of us but yeah she is, just perfect." I whispered the last part as I gently stroked her soft tuffs of hair.

He smiled at her,"Who's the most prefect little princess in the whole wide world? Yes you are." He cooed and tickled her stomach.

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