Chapter 12

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Lauren's POV
I laid on my side on the couch feeding Juniper while flipping through all of the movies. I sighed and set the remote on the coffee table,"Juniper we have to go shopping for more movies."

She sighed and looked up at me before closing her eyes. I smiled and followed her actions resting my eyes until she was done.

I put the tea towel over my shoulder before burping her. She wouldn't give right away causing her legs to curl into her body,"Baby you have to burp, it'll make you feel better I promise."

As if on cue a rather loud burp came from her quivering lips. "There, all better now."

I rubbed circles on her back and walked down the hall to my room. I gently pushed the door open trying not to wake Emma.

I set a now sleeping Juniper into her soft pink crib and put a light blanket over the bottom half of her body. I kissed the top of her head,"Love you baby girl," and walked out of the room.

I stretched my arms above my head and let out a huge yawn before going to work and setting up some more things in her room. I smiled warmly when I unpacked the box with all of her newborn pictures along with her hand and foot prints.

I set up all of her pictures and some more family pictures. Her walls were painted with a beautiful light pink and yellow and Emma had hung up some of the cute animals from Winnie the Pooh. I always enjoyed that show when I was younger and still from time to time sit down and watch it with Juniper.

Looking at how nicely it has finished and the only things that I had left to do was finish setting up her changing table and my rocking chair. I sat down on the carpet flooring and crossed my legs reaching over and pulling the box with the rest of the pictures in it and going through them.

I had finally reached the last photo album that was entitled 'A Beautiful Family' in Luke's printing. I paused for a moment before looking through it. The very first picture was when Luke had surprised us at the hospital and the nurse had taken our very first family picture. I was holding her in my arms sitting in the hospital bed in my gown with Luke sitting beside me marveling at our daughter.

I shook my head as the tears started building up. When Juniper is older and somehow comes across this picture it will look like her dad was actually there when she was born. I won't crush her dreams and won't talk lowly of him around her.

I shook my head and checked my phone to see a text from Greg "Hey Lauren, Andrew went home sick so if you could come in earlier and film your scenes that would be great."

I stood and walked to my room gently shaking Emma awake. "Emma, Emma." 

She groaned and turned so that her back was facing me. I sighed and sat down on the bed beside her shaking her legs,"I have to go in to work early and Juniper is asleep in her crib."

"When did you put her down?" She asked in a groggy voice.

"About 20 minutes ago so you should be good for another hour or so to rest." I replied and stood off the bed walking to the door,"Oh and I have tomorrow off so we could go shopping and get groceries, just spend the day together," I paused and remembered,"Oh and Juniper hasn't been eating as much as she usually does so I already called her doctor and will take her when I get home. Call me if anything happens please?"

She nodded her head under the covers so I gently closed the door and left the building with my keys and purse.

I sat in the front seat and plugged my phone into the aux cord and put on my driving playlist. Driving to work didn't take me long at all and that's one of the reasons why I love where we are living.

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