Not Because of the Mistletoe (Christmas Eve + Karma's Birthday special)

Start from the beginning

"Mystic Messenger? Fuwa~chan's here, I'm sure she'd want to talk about it with you! I didn't catch what you were reading really... What was it?" I was about to say it again but... "Cloud Strife x Reader's! She's been obsessed with Cloud ever since she watched Advent Children!" I let out a low growl as Karma laughed.

"I don't recall you being in this conversation!! What are you talking about with Nagisa~kun then?" I felt my face heat up. He's just jealous of my love for Cloud! You'll always be my number one Cloud, don't let Karma know that though! "Karma~kun said he was reading something too.." Nagisa answered.

"I was your love Asuna for Halloween yet you weren't Kirito no matter how much I begged and pleaded! I was happy being Asuna for you! I know you'd never be Cloud for me!" I shouted.

"You have an insane obsession with Cloud, you probably had a shrine for him in your basement." My face- no, my entire body felt like it was on fire. "Wh-What kind of accusation is th-that!" Karma dragged me away. "H-Hey! I want an answer!" He let go of me. "Look where we are, Y/n." I looked up expecting to see the stupid mistletoe but it wasn't there. I removed my gaze from the ceiling and looked at Karma who was wearing a smirk.

"Finally came to your senses?" I grinned. He leaned in and pecked my lips. "I don't need a mistletoe to kiss you even if it is Christmas eve~"


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" I shouted. Karma groaned, "It's midnight isn't it? Every year you sneak in my room and wait till' it's midnight! This time you don't even have to sneak in!"

"Do you hate your birthday because of me?" I asked. "Yes." He answered and closed his eyes. "Don't act like you're not obnoxious on my birthday! I was born around 4AM! Waking me up at 4AM is way more painful than at midnight! You were born in the afternoon!" A smirk came to his lips, "You look forward to 4AM for me to come into your room, I know you do~"

I don't know what exactly make it seem that way, but Karma sounded very suggestive. But what he said next was just...

His eyes fluttered open. "I can't wait till' your birthday next year, past 3AM is the spooky hour and it'll be very spoo-" I covered his mouth. "Just stop. No. My mind is tainted, you're sounding way too suggestive." Karma laughed in response, "Makes sense why you don't get presents on Christmas, you're always a naughty girl~" My face felt really hot. "Even you know how wrong that sounds."

He didn't reply but instead wrapped his arms around me presumably my neck, but misjudged the location of my neck and... "K-Karma, your arms can you..?" I trailed off feeling my entire body on fire. I felt his arms move away and then heard a thud. I crawled to the edge of the bed and stared at Karma who was on the floor.

I took a deep breathe. "That's what you get for being suggestive!" I felt the heat from my cheeks disappear. "So we're gonna look over the fact that I pretty much groped you?" I laughed sheepishly, "Yeah... You're always gonna be a violator anyways..." He rolled his eyes, "You let me so it's your fault." I raised an eyebrow, "Are you labeling me as an M right now? Hmm S?" (Do you get this reference? *Hint- from an anime 'Inu....)

"What the hell are you talking about?" He questioned. "Masochist and Sadist. You fit sadist to the T." He let out a sigh.

"Happy birthday!"

"Shut up."

"Just another year until your sweet sixteen!"

"You'll be sixteen an entire month before school ends, the only one in class to be!"

"I started school late okay! Don't tease me~!"

"What are you gonna do? Cry to Cloud Strife?"

"At least Cloud will love me no matter what!"

"Cloud can't give you any physical attention!"

"I just pretend he's here! I bet he's pissed off at you for being mean to me!"

"You player! You just confessed!"

"Go cry to Asuna then! She'll definitely listen to your problems!"

"I'm not in love with someone a significant amount of years older than me! In the Alicization arc she was 18! Cloud's 24!"

"He's 15 in my fantasies! Before Crisis Core!"

"You're in love with him because of Advent Children!"


The door slammed open and I widened my eyes at Karma. "Mrroww?" I let out a sigh of relief as I realized that it was just F/cn...

"I can only cry to Y/n cause she's real.." Karma stated, poking my cheek. "I'm confused why you're still on the floor." I said. He grabbed my arm and pulled me down. "I'm confused why you were on the bed." I crawled on top of him.

"The floor isn't that comfy."

A/n: Karma's birthday part was pretty lame, I know... This entire chapter wasn't great because of Cloud... He'S sO cOol AnD hAWt~! Blame my siblings, especially my sister. She showed me the Cloud Strife song which I'll share with you all...

2 BISHIE 4 U!!! Well, Mystic Messenger chatroom is calling! I don't like today because I'm not spending it with my sister but that doesn't matter, I'll have my own party that's gonna be more lit than her's!

Happy holidays to all of you! Have a magical time! See you before next year hopefully XD

Kawaī jagaimo no neko o yonde kurete arigatō! Watashi wa anata hitorihitori ga daisukidesu! Ato de subete o kyatchi! Baii~ 💖Shadowhuskies📚

Translates to: Thanks for reading kawaii potato cats! I love each and every single one of you very muchly! Catch you all later! Baii~

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